Thursday, 31 December 2020

Now Our Truth Hidden Inside Notices Gateway. N O T H I N G.

 We are all nothing, and nothing equates directly with ALL, so we are in effect the  ALL of

NOTHING whatsoever.

The truth that is hidden inside of us all, is that we are all Eternal Immortal Beings, and when

we take the opportunity to venture within ourselves ,our self aware consciousness NOTICES

the GATEWAY that is spelt out clearly in this blogs title.

This inner gateway will lead all souls into the full realization of their immortal Identity, the TRUTH

of this REALIZATION is LOCKED and LOADED VOUCHSAFED within your heart chakra.

There is no need to go looking for any answers, they all lie WITHIN  YOU dear reader of this blog.

There is NO NEED to take MY WORD for it, or anybody else either, but you WILL TAKE YOUR

word for it, so look within yourself ,and then you will verify everything you have read HERE.

We as humanity are NO-THING what we are is the ALL-THING which directly translates into

LIFE and life flows directly into ENERGY and energy resolves itself into SPIRIT and spirit

equates into ABSOLUTE INFINITE INTELLIGENCE, which reveals itself as PURE

AWARENESS, which some call GOD.

Whether we know it or not, accept it or not, reject it or not, the fact is that this whole universe

will dissolve into from whence it came, which includes all of us, because "WE" are all GOD and


"WE" are all HOLY meaning that we are all WHOLE no-thing is missing from within us, all that

causes us stress and heartache is the result of our ignorance of our true BEING, once we locate

that reality within you, then you will become RE-BORN into a new reality, without having to

ENTER another WOMB to reveal it.

This is my last blog of 2020, so I take this opportunity to wish all my dear readers a very happy

and healthy NEW YEAR, may the great SPIRIT of ETERNAL PEACE bless all of you this day

Happy new year everybody. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Wednesday, 30 December 2020


 Our journey from stillness (perfection) into motion (imperfection) has been a long and arduous

one, we have all been on the move (evolution) for billions of years, aeons have come and past,

and still we move on ever motioning towards a targeted end. What then is this targeted end? 

Full and complete SELF KNOWING, that is the targeted end for humanity. Now we are all at

the end phase of our evolution  here on Earth. We have all been through this Vale of Tears, with

the accompanying gnashing of teeth, and girding our loins for the final push into Soul and Self

Realization. Millions are on this elevated path today, and the numbers keep increasing daily.

Our evolutionary trajectory has become much steeper in the last few years , some are at the point

where their particular evolution is about to go almost vertical for them, a very steep climb indeed.

"WE" all VOTED long long ago, before the illusion of TIME and SPACE came on the

motional scene after the primordial IDEA manifested MOTION from MOTIONLESSNESS,

The SELF which equates directly into "WE" (humanity and everything else) MOVED  its

stateless state of absolute stillness, into the Primordial THOUGHT WAVE, and thereby CAST

ITSELF OUT of EDEN, and into the maelstrom of MOTIONAL RELATIVITY. This ONE

SELF, has thereby fragmented itself into self imaging fractals which each reflect the whole if

looked at very closely. Humanity consists of 7.7 billion facets that are each holograms or fractals


The reality of this means simply that there are 7,7 billion ego limited little selves with minds that

will all dissolve when awakening approaches ,and behind the FACADE of form (human body) lies

the Absolute REALITY of JUST ONE SELF.

Warmest regards Michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@ any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then plese pass it onto your family and friends. Thanks,

Tuesday, 29 December 2020


 The word intuition comes from the Latin word 'TUIT' and 'TUT' meaning 'TO-TEACH' and

 this teaching arises from  within us. Intuition means literally to be taught from within. So 

who then is this teacher, that teaches us from within ourselves? The identity of this inner

teacher for me can be no other than our divine immortal Soul. That inner Guru that lies within

the centre of every human being on this planet. When we listen to this still small inner voice it

will teach us the true nature of our being. It will teach us for instance that the EGO is who you

THINK YOU ARE, the SOUL is who WE REALLY ARE. The ego is nothing but the soul 

thinking itself to be limited and a mortal human personality. When we listen intently to that

divine inner voice of intuition, it will clarify the true immortal nature of your BEING a 

Divine immortal soul.

So many of us only seem to hear this still small voice within us, when we are in a crisis situation

and our back are up against the wall. then suddenly from out of 'nowhere' comes this reassuring

inner voice, telling us that we will be ok, this will pass, and we will survive, we then feel 

relaxed and comforted by this reassuring inner voice, suddenly hope begins to bloom in 

our hearts, and we then instinctively feel that we will grow stronger through this experience.

Intuition arises not from within our heads, as many of us may think, but rather intuition arises

from within the heart chakra, where the connection to our divinity is anchored within the 

physical plane, along with a second connection within the crown chakra at the top of our head.

These two connecting anchors allow the ethereal nature of divinity to gain purchase in this low

density dimension. All universal knowledge and wisdom lie within the intuition which is the

SOUL, in truth none of us has anything to LEARN AT ALL, we literally know it all, because

in truth we are ALL, our IGNORANCE lies in the FACT that we have all forgotten just WHO


The reality is we all have NOTHING to learn, what we HAVE to DO is UNCOVER the true

BEING that hides within the FACADE OF FORM which is our physical body. when we remove

all the blinkers from our inner vision, and open our hearts and our minds to the inner vision of

your BEING, you will then receive downloads of wisdom and knowledge, that you had forgotten

about, because you got too distracted within the physical dimension, and thereby forgot your 

divine immortal true nature.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization,

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday, 28 December 2020

Waves Of Relative Light Descending W O R L D

We are all surfers on the pressure wave of expressed physical life. The Ethereal Ocean which is

Absolute and Infinite is the fluidic ocean of what we all term as SPACE, space is the OCEAN

and this OCEAN is an ENTITY, the entity that OCCUPIES this entire absolute infinite ocean


We as human beings are all 'rising up' from within this ocean as 'expressed LIFE WAVES' each

'life wave' (you and me) is a corporeal human body, being expressed within a three dimensional

physical format in the material realm.

OUR world at SOURCE LEVEL is Absolute Infinite dimensionless BLISS, where only 

AWARENESS and stillness abide. Here on the  Earth plane our limitless world has collapsed 

into just several dimensions of freedom. Light that on higher dimensions flows exactly like

water does on Earth, is what our physical bodies are actually made of, we are congealed light

that has SET and solidified into flesh and bone physical body.

Our physical bodies 'stand out' from the Ocean of life potentiality, this standing out, is in fact 

a LIFE WAVE, we have all RISEN UP out of the ocean as frozen facets of the one OCEAN

as we all rise up to be presented here on Earth, our fluid natural stateless state becomes

condensed and frozen into a singular life wave. Then  as the condensing vortex begins to

form, that will convey your life essence into the physical dimension, Infinite Intelligence

inserts the vital atom into the life energy mixture, this vital ATOM is our self aware "I" AM

consciousness, it is the localisation of infinite consciousness, into a FIXED POINT you 

and me are that FIXED POINT!

We have all become compressed living energy, frozen within the illusion of time and space

our responsibility is to gather enough experience that will lead us into the understanding that

we need to reverse this compression sequence, and thereby seek out expansion and deeper

levels of consciousness and awareness.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you,then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday, 27 December 2020


 The process of resolving issues of ignorance of pure SELF-KNOWING , has been underway

for millions of years. This process is called reincarnation, the whole basic 'IDEA' behind all

incarnations is to bring about the full realisation of the SELF, while still enclosed within a 

corporeal body, our human physical form. This usually progresses in three distinct phases,

the first phase is recognition of the lower self, the ego/mind/ personality, the illusion of being

an individual, the second stage is when there begins an intuition contact made within the being

which will eventually lead to the full knowing of the inner divine immortal soul. The third and

final stage leads the human being, the divine immortal soul, into the final realization  that it is

now fully awakened into BEING  that it is the SELF, which literally translates as that of the

SOURCE of all LIFE, which many call GOD.

This can be expressed as that of 'When the SEER, sees the seen, then the SEER is KNOWN

as the SELF' .

We are all SEERS of the SEEN it is how we relate to our seeing that matters, how our 

understanding of what we see, guides us into a reflective mode, thereby learning from our seeing

and perhaps looking within ourselves for some possible the question of who am "I" ?


what WE ALL ARE, we consist of intelligent energy that has been condensed and steeped 

down in vibration frequency from its normal ethereal liquid fluid state, and within this fluid

ethereal energy is transposed that reference POINT, which exits out into the physical EARTH

realm as your "I" am self aware being. Which then takes on the presence of your ego and mind.

We as this thing called Humanity are all partaking within this evolutional impulse that throbs in

time with your localised heart beats, each pulse brings each one of us a beat closer that will set

in motion a sequence that will cascade into  our becoming who we really REALLY ARE!

Are you up for this challenge dear reader of this blog??

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday, 26 December 2020

What Has Occurred-About Mindful-Insight. WHO-AM-"I" ?

 Today is my birthday, I am seventy six years young today, and am posing the question 

in this blog today of WHO AM I ?  One could easily say that if I have reached the grand

young age of seventy six, and still do not know who I am, then I must be a hopeless case!

I well remember asking myself this question back in 1974, when I was recovering from

a major life threatening crisis in my life, who the hell am I ? And what is the purpose of

this life anyway?

It was at this time that I took up meditation, and the practice of Self Inquiry, which meant

looking inward into the answer of who the hell was "I", what lay beyond the label of my name

Michael? Was I just a personality which seemed flawed, with an ego that would make Narcissus

look like a humble man!  I soon began to realise that within us all lies an infinite connectivity to

a universal intelligent energy SOURCE, which reveals a soul within a physical vehicle (body) and

also an intangible energy which was the very essence of LIFE, which seemed to indicate that of

a inner Spirit nature.

I made a point for a few years of asking my friends and colleagues if they knew who they really

were, I would often get strange looks from them, saying things like you know who I am? What

the majority meant by that was their name, job, profession, where they were born, or went  to

school or college university, they could offer nothing about who they really were BENEATH

the FACADE of their Physical form. I stopped asking  after a while,  just let it go, if my friends

were satisfied with just being a physical body with various labels attached to it, then so be it, it

was none of my business.  The fire that burned within me was no way satisfied by this one

dimensional view of just being a physical human animal, that had what is called a functional 

mind, that was loaded up with an endless supply of thoughts. Meditation opened up that inner

door, and fanned the flames that ignited my higher self the immortal soul to reveal itself to me

This awakening process led me into another dimension of reality, and an expansion of awareness

and conscious perceptions. This inner doorway is open to any soul who makes the decision to look

within themselves, and take up the practice of yoga, or meditation. WHO AM "I" ? I am the SELF

who is being expressed through the prism of a divine immortal soul, which then is being 

further expressed within a physical vehicle, which we all call the physical body, "I" AM an

INFINITE BEING, absolute in its nature-less nature, currently experiencing a relative 

experience here on a planet called EARTH/ That precisely is WHAT I AM! BY the WAY SO ARE


Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday, 25 December 2020


 I wish all you dear readers of this blog today, a very happy and peaceful Christmas, at this special

time of the year can we be mindful of all those souls in this world who through no fault of their

own are alone, hungry and thirsty this Christmas. We in the west have so much, while so many 

in the world have little or nothing. A great master once said, SRI RAMANA MAHARSHI, when

asked by his devotee, 'How should I treat others'? The master replied, 'THERE ARE NO OTHERS'

we are all reflections of the ONE SOURCE-GOD.  Each one of us reflects each other as a brother

or sister MOOT-POINT of ENERGY.

We live in a fantasy of disconnection and the illusion of separateness, we buy into this delusion

because of our deep ignorance of our real and valid identity, plus the support of this illusion as

being taught by our 'education' authorities.

If we all knew and understood that we are all totally connected to each other, and that we were all

facets each facet reflecting a self aware POINT  of the one SOURCE, INFINITE 

CONSCIOUSNESS or GOD for short, if we all consciously KNEW THAT TODAY, then this

CHRISTMAS would be the greatest ever event that has happened upon this planet EARTH in

the past BILLION YEARS!!

IMMEDIATELY, all wars and bloodshed would cease, all countries in the world would unite

and join forces and COOPERATE with EACH OTHER to feed all the hungry ones, and those

without clean water to drink. All the sick and homeless souls around the world would be given

aid freely. Instead of egotism pride greed and lust for power, we would all feel the love for one

another, compassion love and humility, would reach out and help those in real need, What a truly

remarkable that CHRISTMAS would be. We can all but dream dear reader of this blog,

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto all your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday, 24 December 2020

Cohesive Harmonic Resonance Invokes Spiritual Truth. C H R I S T .

 What is the cohesive harmonic resonance that invokes spiritual truth? What is Christ in

essence? The cohesive harmonic resonance is achieved  when we go deeply within our

inner sanctum of being, and thereby link into the universal energy of Infinite Intelligence.

This inner connection is achieved by the method of meditation or that of yoga, when we 

are able to silence all thoughts, and listen into the deep silence, there a resonation is made

and the ageless wisdom will flow into our self aware consciousness, the ageless wisdom

flows like the living waters of life itself, the living word flows within the ocean  of 

consciousness into all minds that are ready to receive it, if we look within ourselves and

enter into the silence, then you will be filled with the words of life.

What then is the Christ in essence?  In essence the word Christ refers to a universal ENERGY

it has nothing whatsoever to do with a PERSON, any person can be overshadowed by this

COSMIC ENERGY, and many are  and have been overshadowed by this universal energy.

The term Christ consciousness, refers to any soul who has made conscious contact with this 

Cosmic Energy, this Energy is absolutely impersonal ubiquitous and open to any soul in this

universe to tune into and expand their understanding of reality, and the full inner knowing of

exactly who and what they really are. Christ is simply a Divine Principle of cosmic LAW.

It matters not one jot if you know the name of Christ or not, the ENERGY is there for every

soul to use, you can call it just cosmic energy if you wish, it is still the same ONE ENERGY

whatever you choose to call it, whether you believe, or not, matters not, the ENERGY is

freely available to anyone regardless if they believe or not, an atheist could tune into this 

energy, if he or she explored within themselves and had an open mind. The spiritual truth

that would be invoked if we ventured within ourselves, would be that we are all related to one

another in one Divine Family, each one of us is CONNECTED and INTERCONNECTED

to EACH OTHER. That is the SPIRITUAL TRUTH, and may this TRUTH dawn upon all

our Consciousness and unite us all this CHRIST-MAS. Bless YOU ALL.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday, 23 December 2020


 There are an infinite number of things within this relative temporal universe, but there is only

ONE LIFE FORCE or ENERGY, life emanates from within the SOURCE of all LIFE, which

is the Absolute Infinite SOURCE of all that IS.WAS, and will ever BE.  All life is Sacred, it is

'HOLY' meaning that it is WHOLLY WHOLE not fragmented but has a divine cohesion that 

permits each aspect of LIFE'S infinite number of diversifications  to flourish and thrive in

their own particular environments.

Humanity is life expressed as self aware being-ness, we each have what no other life on this 

planet has, and that is our "I" AM self aware consciousness. we all know that we know, and 

have that most vital added ingredient  which is the faculty of self reflection, which is the way

that consciousness works, on a self reflecting principle. Our human body is SACRED because

it acts as a TEMPLE that is hosting that divine principle which is the Divine Immortal SOUL

In truth the very ground we all walk upon is sacred ground, because where we stand, divinity is

there as a focused energy living life POINT,  Divinity is RESIDENT within all of humanity

sadly though all of humanity is not consciously aware of this reality, and ignorance of our true

nature lies hidden within the hearts and minds of tens of millions of us.

We are all immortal beings, infinite and absolute in nature, each one of us is experiencing  

what it feels like to become tangible, to acquire form shape and a body, to flow within the 

living river of MOTION, to become a "solid shadow"  which science has yet to understand.

We have all but forgotten who we really truly are, to gain entry into this "vale of tears" we

undergo a process of FORGETFULLNESS, amnesia clouds our being, and when we feel

ready, we begin to awaken from our amnesic state, and begin to see who we really are, we begin

to join up all the dots, and then when we do, a clear picture of our true identity begins to


Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Identity Crisis Expunged Deleted. I C E D .

This world, this planet, is perfect it is a natural paradise for life to flourish, the only real

problem upon this planet lies within us mankind. We are the problem, that is polluting this

planet, destroying the rainforests, poisoning the oceans, and overfishing the seas. We are all

totally of of synch with nature's natural laws, we cause wars, disease and famines, half of the

world has so much food that obesity and gluttony and rampant within many western countries.

While the other half of humanity dies of starvation and drinking filthy polluted water. So why are

we creating our own self destruction, literally we are all digging our own graves, which our grand

children will inherit, and live within a poisoned planet, which we have all collectively created.

There is no mystery as to why we are all in this filthy mess, the evidence is all  around us, if we had

but eyes to see, and ears to hear. This global meltdown of humanity is caused basically by one major

and fundamental thing, which is the complete ignorance of SELF IDENTITY, billions of us think

that we are separate entities apart from and separate from each other, this ignorant understanding

is the ROOT CAUSE of ALL the major and minor CRISISES that exist upon this planet today.

If we all knew that we were all immortal divine souls, all totally connected and interconnected to

each other, all part of ONE DIVINE FAMILY, the very moment we all became consciously 

aware of the universal fact, all wars and conflicts would cease, all racial tensions and hatred 

would vanish from our consciousness, bigotry would melt into coherent understanding, all those

who had no food and clean water would be helped and aided by those countries who had plenty.

We would automatically become retuned into natures natural laws and harmonic balance..

Is this to much to ask of our selves? Do we not really want to know our true immortal identity?

Are we therefore content to remain and die in ignorance? How many of you reading this will

say YES ? I am content to remain ignorant of my true identity, and therefore see myself as an ego

centric personality, who is an individual and just a human being nothing more than that?

As they say in Hollywood speak, "you pays your money, and you makes your choice" what will

your choice be dear reader?

Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


Monday, 21 December 2020


 Why is it so hard to experience oneness and wholeness? Put simply. the reason why it is so 

difficult and rare for us to experience oneness and wholeness is that our minds won't let us.

While our minds help us to plan, imagine, create, structure and logically understand life, the

mind also simultaneously fragments existence, when our life is broken down into thoughts,

and ideas, we cannot directly experience the oneness of everything, instead we perceive life

through a broken lens.

Seeking wholeness implies that we have not already got it. This idea is partly true because as

the mind fragments experiences into varying pockets of memory, this then blurs our understanding

of what we are experiencing, however if we look deeper into our inner selves we will discover that

we have always been WHOLE and COMPLETE, its just that we fail to join up all the dots and see

the complete picture of our entire BEING. Awareness and consciousness within us is whole and

unified, but the mind that is our consciousness focused through the prism of the ego and 

personality distorts and fragments and compartmentalize  our experiences into little boxes, thus

we fail to see the complete picture of the world.

Without feeling whole and complete, we are left with with feelings that we are FAKE and

inauthentic, emptiness haunts us, to destroy these illusions of incompleteness we need to go

beyond the domain of the fragmented mind. This can be done by going within ourselves and

taking up the practice of meditation or yoga, to let go of the mind and the thoughts that fill it

and thereby enter into the silence that lies in wait, within us all. Within the silence we tap into

pure awareness and higher consciousness, this opens up the inner door that leads to intuition

and a true understanding that you are a complete whole BEING and not a fragmented bit of

life, but rather you are the wholeness of eternal LIFE ITSELF.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday, 20 December 2020

Negating Our Wholeness. N O W .

 We all to varying degrees negate our wholeness ,this is largely due to our basic ignorance as 

to who and what we really are, which then leads us down pathways which propagate the illusion

of us all being separate and therefore apart from everyone one else.

The NOW is an eternal motionlessness Absolute reality, this reality remains eternally still, and it

fills all of our lives with its ever present being, we are all born now, and we all die in the now, it

is impossible to leave the Absolute Presence of NOW. There is no such a thing as BEFORE NOW

or is there such a thing as AFTER NOW, THE NOW has NEVER MOVED, before this universe

came ONLINE the NOW was PRESENT. Motion belongs only within a relative dual based 

temporal reality, the NOW is absolutely TRANSCENDENT of this relative universe, it exists as

AWARENESS within the Absolute. Humanity is the mover that motions through the stillness of

the now, our outer vehicles (physical body) are contained within this dual based relative universe

and therefore we move along a line which is commonly called evolution. Largely due to the 

ignorance of humanity about understanding their true nature, we then get what can be called a

fragmentation of the true SELF, this fragmentation leads us into the false belief that we are not

whole, we feel instinctively that something is missing in our life, and therefore this leads to

an inner emptiness, a "HOLE" within us, and this gaping CHASM within us, needs FILLING

and what many of us FILL IT WITH leads us into various addictions some of which are,

Obesity, drug addictions both legal and otherwise, alcoholism, gambling, sexual addiction,

plus many other emotional and mental illnesses. All these things occur because we feel 

incomplete, we do not feel WHOLE, instead we have a HOLE within us the "W" is 

missing, and this one letter makes a world of difference. The reality is that there is NOTHING

missing from any human being on EARTH, never has been never will be, If something was

missing from our inner matrix, humanity would vanish without a trace instantly, and as that

has not happened we can rest assured we are all WHOLE INTEGRAL BEINGS with ZERO

missing from our physical blueprint that materialises as we incarnate here on Earth, we negate

our WHOLENESS by our IGNORANCE and lack of understanding the reality that we are all

immortal divine souls, all fully COMPLETE with NOTHING MISSING WHATSOEVER ,all

we need to deal with is our ignorance that we have about who we really are.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday, 19 December 2020


 All expressed life which literally means that life is in motion, it moves, it contained within

what we term as a relative physical universe. This relative universe is totally enclosed within

the ABSOLUTE SOURCE of ALL BEING. Relativity which basically means MOTION,

arises from within motionlessness which equates directly to that which is Absolute. Our

relative universe came into MOTION by the ARISING of a THOUGHT within the ABSOLUTE

INFINITE MIND of the SOURCE. All motional life is occupying SPACE, we as human beings

are all occupying this SPACE. What then does this space consist of? The ancient wisdom state

very clearly that "Space in an ENTITY" If that is true, and my gut and intuition says it is so, then

who could this ENTITY actually BE? Anybody you know?  For me this entity can only be the

Absolute or GOD for short. Space is a EMOTIONAL FLUID, it is in fact the fluid which flows

through your veins, albeit dimensionally diversified and greatly lowered in vibrational frequency

Space is the living blood fluid of the Absolute set into vibratory  motion by an INTENTIONAL

thought WAVE. We are all completely submerged within this infinite ocean of emotional space

we have all that we need to in order to gather the experiences that will awaken our inner awareness

and consciousness into the true nature of your BEING. We are ALL SOURCE in MOTION 

and the MOTION will eventually lead YOU the one reading this NOW, back to YOUR_SELF

and that SELF equates DIRECTLY to the ABSOLUTE. If we wake up, we will ALL REALISE


that one SELF, is YOU dear reader of this BLOG.

Warmest regards Michael, any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday, 18 December 2020


 My first understanding of the word Humility was of the type of person depicted by Charles

Dickens whom he called 'URIAH HEEP' who  was  grovelling in a obsequious manner, forever

making reference to his  feigned humbleness, that in my ignorance at that time was what I thought

humility actually was, it was not until later in life that I began to see the real nature and divine

value that lies hidden within the principle of humility. Now I understand the principle to be that

of forever remaining 'teachable; to fully realise that my ignorance will always be greater than my

knowledge or any wisdom gained. To have an honest appraisal of ourselves, where we see both

our positive and negative sides, and accept them both as equal aspects of what we are. Humility

reveals the true nature of being, without adding on any pretentious nonsense that our ego's 

embellish us with, we truly see ourselves honestly warts and all, With this insight into ourselves

we can therefore be much more forgiving of our friends and family, because we see ourselves in

them, and understand the frailties of the flesh, The home of Humility lies in the inner realms of

the soul, Humility  is an energy that is born out of Divine love, it unifies it's host vehicle and sends

out unifying energy which effects those around.

Humility knows that all life is connected and interconnected, there is no separation or apartness 

anywhere in reality, the idea of apartness exists only within a very limited mind, if we open our

minds then we will see that the whole of humanity is united and infused with Divine unconditional

love. This time of the year can be a time of reflection, a time of realising that we in the west have

so much, with our tables groaning under the weight of food upon them, while millions will by

dying of starvation and disease. Humility to me means to give thanks to the bounty that I have

and that we have, and be mindful of those poor souls who have nothing. False pride, conceit 

and arrogance have led this planet into the state it now is in, if we can let go of false pride and

see the power that lies in humility, we each can serve each other into making this world a better

more even loving place to dwell in.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday, 17 December 2020

We Are Totally Connected Holistically Expressed Souls. W A T C H E S .

To begin this blog today with a poem I wrote a while ago, it expresses the idea of this blog today.

"Mirror image speak to me,

tell me of truth and liberty,

slay the darkness of my soul,

uproot my ignorance, and

make me whole".

Our minds and the consciousness that wraps around our perceptual  awareness is all connected

and interconnected by an infinite field of electromagnetic living intelligent energy. Consciousness

works solely as a reflective principal, which means simply that when there is zero reflection then

consciousness melts away into its matrix which is pure awareness. Being connected holistically

means basically that we are all mirror images of each other, we each reflect each other into 

our self aware consciousness frame of reference, we have within our brains what can be termed

as mirror neurons  these reflect back to our minds images that we resonate with,

Humanity consists basically of 7.7 billion Reflections of the ONE WHOLE, we  appear separate

and apart from one another, this is AN ILLUSION, an illusion that EXISTS because of our

GROSS IGNORANCE of what LIFE actually IS. We appear as "individual" PRISMS of

condensed light, and then imagine by observing the physical shell or vehicle that  "my vehicle"

is separate from yours!  So therefore we are not connected! We all buy into this illusion, and

pay the price in pain, suffering, wars, greed and selfishness. What we all actually ARE is 

points or prisms of condensed light held in cohesion by an intelligent force field,  and are busy

gathering experiences that will eventually reconnect you consciously to the SOURCE of all

LIGHT, where then your little PRISM (expressed form) will merge back into the OCEAN

of LIGHT from whence it first came long ago.

This blog WATCHES is about seeing ,feeling, knowing, understanding, that we are all connected

and interconnected to each other, the idea of separation does not exist within this universe, it 

only seems to exist between our ears because we are ignorant of the universal connectivity

principal that all ENERGY which is what we are, is directly connected to the SOURCE which


Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

if this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday, 16 December 2020


 Gratitude is simply taking time to think about all the positive things in your life,

rather than ruminating on the negatives. It does not necessarily necessitate actual telling

anyone else you are thankful for the things they have done (although that helps).

Gratitude may be one of the most overlooked tools for increasing happiness.

I can well remember the first time I ever really 'heard' that word gratitude said to me.

It was back in 1974 when my life was in a major crisis state, it was at at this time some

new found friends came into my life, and they kept telling me that I needed to 'cultivate'

some gratitude into my life, if I was going to survive and begin recovering from my

illness. In my ignorance at the time I thought that in my crazy state of confusion and

anxiety, that I had joined a gardening group who kept speaking about cultivation of

gratitude rather than a addiction to alcohol group!

At this time of the year I am very mindful of the very comfortable life I have, clean water

gushing out of a tap, food in the fridge, a warm heated home, a safe place to sleep, I am very

grateful for all the blessings I have in this life, HOW DARE I ever utter a word of discontent,

when millions of my brothers and sisters all over this world have NOTHING to look forward

to except another day of hunger and thirst, no clean water to drink, no food to eat, no home

to live in, no clothes to wear, I have seen many naked hungry souls begging for a crust of stale

bread in my travels around this world. While we are all busy shopping and buying enough food

to feed several families for a week, can we just take the time to reflect on just how fortunate

we are to have been born where we are today, There but for the grace of GOD, we too could

be dying of hunger and disease, I was told by a wise man from the east, that if you can ask what

shall we have for dinner tonight, then you are far richer than tens of millions of our fellow

souls. Have you ever looked into the eyes of a soul who has nothing but its ragged body to call

its own? I have, and felt a deep anguish and sorrow arise within.. This time of the year is I feel

a good time to reflect and feel a deep gratitude within us all, we have so very much, and tens of

millions of us have ZERO PROSPECTS , only pain, hunger, thirst, no home, no hope, no love,

all that they will get is a rest from all this when they die all alone. There but for the grace of GOD

GO "I". May gratitude fill yours hearts this Christmas.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday, 15 December 2020

Spiralling Into Density Develop 'HOLY' Insight. S I D D H I .

  The word SIDDHI is a (SANSKRIT) word meaning, 'accomplishment' 'attainment' 'perfection'

It means that supernormal perceptual states are available to all human beings. These are 

absolutely natural abilities that can be explained in highly rational terms. There is nothing

mysterious or magical about the SIDDHIS. The whole potentiality of humanity transforming

into the full consciousness of its real BEING which is DIVINITY, lies dormant within many

of us, within every human being lies access to much higher energies that we have ever 

experienced before, we have but to awaken into the realisation that these higher energies

(SIDDHIS)  lie within the whole of humanity, these energies do not belong to any select few

privileged beings, they belong to the WHOLE of the human RACE, all you have to do, is to

go within yourself meditate and reveal this reality for yourself. The blog title spiralling into

density develop HOLY insight, means simply that spiralling down means reincarnating again

back on Earth, The earth is the lowest density we experience. Developing ;HOLY' insight means

first that the word holy actually means WHOLENESS COMPLETENESS, when we are all 

WHOLLY WHOLE we will each have the INSIGHT to know fully who we actually ARE.

The only reason we are all here is to wake up, it can and does take many life times here to fully

awaken, centuries have come and gone, and you have been up and down into numerous 

incarnations , time is meaningless, it only appears to exist, but in truth it has never existed, all

that exists is NOW and HERE. Within each one of us lies infinite ENERGY unlimited

potentiality, all you have to do is look within yourself to find, IT IS THERE WITHIN YOU

NOW! We are all multiple dimensional beings, yet most of us seem imprisoned within the

first three dimensions, some overlapping into the fourth dimension, but what exactly are 

dimensions? Simply put a dimension is a level of consciousness, as our consciousness and

awareness expands, along with our perceptions, we begin accessing higher dimensional

realities, which were completely unknown to us in our lower unawake state.

Many of us are aware of the term "gifts of the spirit" or from GOD,  This is actually an

erroneous idea, that bears no semblance to what actually occurs. There is NO BESTOWER of

GIFTS anywhere in the universe, and certainly not any GOD or DIETY , however we 

awaken into the reality of a new energy surging through our being, we have been GIFTED

by our awakening into the realisation that we now have access to higher energy states than

we ever had before. This has come about by our intention and endeavour to search within

ourselves and bring about our own awakening into a higher more inclusive reality.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday, 14 December 2020


 James Allen (1864-1912) wrote the following, quote," You are today where your thoughts have

brought you, you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you" unquote. Wonderful true

words indeed. Everything we see around us was first a thought, even your physical body was

a product of thought and intention within your father and mother, you were and our the product

of their combined intention to have sexual contact. In the field of quantum science there is now

a growing consensus that this entire universe is a product of THOUGHT by INFINITE 

INTELLIGENCE. We often fail to fully understand the power of thought,. thoughts are things

and the things that thoughts become can and do kill us everyday. When we continually entertain 

negative destructive thoughts, the results are often fatal, dis-ease such as cancer and many other

illnesses that plague mankind today, are directly and indirectly the result of our thinking. What

we focus on grows, if it is positive then that grows more positive, if negative the same thing

occurs we get deeper into negativity and thereby suffer the consequences.

Our bodies are the out-workings of our thoughts, we design our bodies in the same way an

architect  designs a building, the only real difference is in the detail? The architect's drawing

and plans are visible and therefore easy to follow, our design however is invisible and hidden 

within the mind, plus we are all virtually unaware that we are in effect and in fact all sculpting

our own bodies from the inside out!

As we think then so we become, this truth has been known for thousands of years, but how 

many of us pay any attention to this well known fact? Who is in control of yourself? is it your

thoughts that control you, or do you control your thoughts? Are you the master and captain of

yourself, or are you a servant or a slave to your thoughts? If we are not in control of our 

thoughts, then who or what is? This universe is a product of thought, energy follows thought

we are all living energy, filled with the life principal our minds are relative, our consciousness

and awareness are Infinite, we co-exist between varying dimensions  between the physical

dimension and the spiritual dimension,   if we can unite the two within our conscious mind

then our thoughts will become more whole-some and so will WE!

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Face book Soul Realisation.

If this post resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

Sunday, 13 December 2020

Sections Of Ascension Knowing Inner Numen Gateway. S O A K I N G .

 The sections of ascension that lead to full inner knowing and open the gateway to Self

realisation and the experience of what is called that of SAMADHI. Refer to the thirty three

sections of the human spinal vertebrae, within which the ascension energy which is called

the KUNDALINI energy, this can be seen as two serpents intertwined around one another as

they climb up the spine. The shape of the serpents coupling is almost identical to the design

 of the double helix DNA,

KUNDALINI energy propagates along the spine through a central channel called the 

"SUSHUMNA NADI" This energy lies dormant (asleep) within the root chakra which is

called the MULADARA chakra and lies at the very base of the spine When awakened by

our inner actions of searching for answers to life's puzzling problems or by our beginning

to practice meditation or yoga,  this energy will slowly begin to rise up the spinal column 

chakra by chakra, until after some time will eventually reach the crown chakra which is

called the SAHASRARA chakra, this then will culminate in an implosion of energy which

is often described as that of SAMADHI experience, which results in a rapid rocket like 

ascension into a full inner knowing experience.

The Bible story relating to JACOB'S LADDER  which had seven rungs to it, each one of 

these rungs represent one of the seven main chakras that run up the spinal column, Jacob's 

ladder represents his journey into Heaven (which means HARMONY)  into a unified

realisation of his ATONEMENT with ALL, which is another word for SAMADHI.

We each have this DIVINE ENERGY  coiled up at the base of our spines, IT is a DIVINE

FIRE, a holy flame of inner LIFE, tens of millions of us will NEVER USE IT, the same

number will not even know of its existence, and will live and die completely unaware of this

life enhancing energy sleeping within their lower spine.  Hopefully in their next incarnation

they will learn of this most ancient energy, The reality of KUNDALINI and the coiled 

serpents asleep in our lower spines, has been KNOWN for tens of thousands of years, it is not

though until now that the most ANCIENT SCIENCE of unification and ATONEMENT has

become more prominent and wide spread in particular on the internet.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this post resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends. Thanks.

Saturday, 12 December 2020


Who wants to live forever? Who indeed!  Physical immortality, which could be termed as 

'low density immortality' physical third dimensional life. This idea of physical immortality

is as old as METHUSELAH from the old testament in the bible  who lived for 969 years,

there have been numerous reports of Yogi masters who have lived for hundreds of years, one

in particular called BABAJI is reported to be over two thousand years old. There are four 

major reasons we all exit our vehicle (DIE) these are first, IGNORANCE ignorance of who

and what we really are, second is ,Emotional energy stealing, third is, POISONOUS DIET,

forth is, Blocked chakras above and below the head. Our evolutionary path of ascension is

now beginning to steepen in its trajectory towards full SELF KNOWING. This means that 

the beginning of the end of REINCARNATION has already BEGUN. The reason for this

RECYCLING PROCESS is heading for completion, it will take a while before it fully LOCKS

into its FULL SEQUENCE, but the clock is already ticking. When we all gain MASTERY of

ourselves, physically, mentally, emotionally, psychically, and spiritually, then all dis-ease will

cease to exist, pain and hunger will cease to exist, old age the whole concept of it will 

eventually vanish from our awareness The whole idea of this endless repetitive process of 

dying, resting up in the Astral realm, then going asleep and being born again in anther physical

body, will cease, instead you will remain in your now physical body, knowing who you are,

seeing through your acquired wisdom and experiences, just what experiences you need to 

understand and complete your ever growing field of expansive all embracing INTEGRITY.

The WISDOM that grows out of experiences experienced, and the interplay and interacting

with many other souls, brings in its train the fruits of the acquired wisdom, which are 

unconditional love, acceptance, humility, charity, service, kindness, and a knowingness of

complete and TOTAL CONECTIVITY  with EVERY SOUL, and creature upon this

PLANET. The future of the astral planes are now numbered, they were manifested by 

Infinite Intelligence to provide a resting place for brutish early mankind, to exist in before 

returning back here for another incarnation. The astral planes have served us all well, now

we are all on the ascension rise into awareness and deeper levels of consciousness, where we

do no longer need these HOLDING AREAS of the astral plane, we will remain here in

physical form, gain mastery of ourselves  ,become physically immortal and remain here for

as long as we chose, if we decide after a thousand years or so, that we wish to leave this low

density state, then as the Yogis have done for ages, just step out of the physical body and

merge into an intangible pure energy state. Remember that this is about physical 

immortality, we have always been spiritually immortal.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you please pass it onto your family and friends, Thanks.

Friday, 11 December 2020


 The word expression comes from the Latin word 'exprimere' which literally means to 

"press-out" in this blog I want to express the main differences between awareness and that

of consciousness. The first major distinction is that awareness is NOT an expression, it is

NOT "PRESSED OUT"  of ANYTHING, It NEVER MOVES, awareness is Absolute  eternal

singular non-dual Absolute REALITY. Consciousness on the other hand is always relative, it

is a quality of the mind, awareness is the transcendence, it is going way beyond the mind. The

mind as such is the medium of duality, so consciousness can never transcend duality, awareness

means the state of no-mind.

There can be no consciousness without awareness, but there can be awareness without 

consciousness, as in deep sleep. Awareness is Absolute, consciousness is relative to its content.

Consciousness is always of something, consciousness is partial and changeful, awareness is 

TOTAL, Changeless, calm and silent.

Awareness does not depend on any way whatsoever on the consciousness, and is not even 

touched by it. Consciousness comes and goes, awareness is eternal ever present ABSOLUTE.

When 'WE'  are all stripped of our expressions and thereby PRESSED OUT into this 

relative duality based consciousness/mindful state which we call life on Earth, when all these

outer GARMENTS (layers of Maya/ Illusions)  are removed from our core matrix, what then

will be left? What will be left will be AWARENESS ALONE, absolute non-dual reality,

Consciousness will then have faded out into the void where once relativity seemed to dwell.

AWARENESS is WHO YOU ARE dear reader of this blog, awareness is always absolute

it can never TOUCH relativity, because within pure awareness duality and relativity have never

EXISTED. Some would call this PURE AWARENESS GOD, I prefer the word ABSOLUTE

That word seems to exclude all the other connotations that arise when we use the word GOD,

The name ABSOLUTE AWARENESS seems free from any religious connotations. We are all

Awareness that are using consciousness/mind  which has given us all expression so we can all

be "PRESSED OUT into a tangible state and thereby engage within duality experiencing 

the flux and flow of tangibility, each one of us is a mirror image of the self, we reflect of each

other, and through that reflection principle, we will all eventually find our way back to a pure

awareness state, using mind and consciousness as direction finders leading to home BASE.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday, 10 December 2020

We Our Real Souls Enfolded Neatly. W O R S E N .

 We as human beings worsen our chances of evolving into spiritual beings by our reluctance

and ignorance  of our true immortal heritage. The question of who am I ? Seems to be rarely

asked by the majority, it seems to be the minority that takes the time and makes the effort to

look within the self, and begin the search for serenity and peace of mind. Modern day mankind

seems to be constantly bombarded with endless trivia which spouts out of our smart phones and

other electronic devices, keeping literally billions of potential soul awakeners forever in the 

darkness, wading endlessly through trivia based bullshit, and forever looking outwards into the

plastic devices that are clutched ever so tightly in our sweaty palms. Modern day human beings

seem to be immersed within trashy trivia posing as something that has actually got substance!

Talentless nobodies are all vying to entertain us with a depth as shallow as a puddle in the Sahara

desert! In Corinthians 13.11 KJV, When I was a child ,I spoke as a child, I thought as a child.

but when I grew up, I put away childish things, for now we see in a mirror (smart phone) darkly

but then face to face",. 

When we grow up and become adults, what are our responsibilities? Have we any? The one

responsibility you would think would be to totally know who and what we really are, the

question of who exactly am I? The trouble with this question though today, is that millions

of us all think they know who they are, and that is, we all our the physical body nothing more

than that, I am a physical body, nothing else exists, when I die, well then I just vanish into

oblivion from whence I came. If you dear reader are happy with that answer, then fine it is

always our choice, if however you are not happy with that scenario, then you can look within

yourself and find out who you really are , which is an immortal divine soul. All it takes is to

"LET GO" of our smart phones and other devices, and enter into the silence that dwells within

us all,  there we will reveal our true and immortal identity.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul  Realization.

If this post resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday, 9 December 2020


 If we asked the question, what is in a name? The answer could be and have some far reaching

effects. The word NOW in its essence translates as an eternal constant, it remains forever NOW

and therefore is absolute and infinite.  Awareness too is absolute infinite and eternally motionless

which to is also the same as the now, both are forever motionlessness. The NOW and 

AWARENESS both transcend this relative universe. What now of ENERGY?  Energy itself is

actually an illusion because at its core energy does not have a positive or negative charge to it.

Energy in its truest form or non-form is pure, neutral and universal. Without motion energy 

would not exist, within this closed circuit relative universe, where motion was arisen from 

within motionlessness, by the primordial thought wave of the Absolute Intelligence, which

brought about this relative closed circuit temporal universe. Perpetual motion is also an illusion

because at the very back of ALL MOTION forever lies MOTIONLESSNESS. When energy

looses its MOTION it then becomes still and within that stillness the NOW and AWARENESS

become ONE with energy that no longer moves and is just now and aware.

When you are ubiquitous, or non-locale is quantum science speak, the illusion of motion falls

away, because when you are fully PRESENT EVERYWHERE simultaneously where could you

possibly go to where you were not already present at! We all came from absolute stillness and

were then plunged into the MAELSTROM of MOTION so that we could use the illusion of

opposites like positive and negative to explore the experiences that were within that mixture.

We are all LIFE, which stands for LIVING-INTELLIGENT-FOCUSED-ENERGY, Life or

rather SPIRIT is an eternal constant, never had a beginning, or will ever experience an ending

That is what we all are NOW. We are all moving through the expression of life and experiencing

what that brings, but at the back of all our motioning through this liquid ocean of life, we are all

eternally still. Stillness awaits each one of us, when we venture within ourselves and begin the

awakening process of understanding your real immortal identity.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization

in this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends. Thanks.

Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Vehicles Open Gateway Using Emotion. V O G U E .

 Humanity has been in VOGUE for the past few million years, gradually becoming more 

aware and awake to the vast potential that lies within us all. Great civilisations have risen and

fallen back into obscurity, then another rose up ruled for a while, then faded out of the picture.

We have had stone ages, iron ages, bronze ages, and even a Golden age where it is told of a time

where peace and prosperity joy and great happiness reigned over all the lands. Then that age too

seemed not to last, so where are we all today? If we can become mindful that our physical human

bodies that we are all so attached to, are really just vehicles to hold the higher life principle  the

immortal divine soul in anchorage upon this physical Earth plane, and that the vehicle enables 

the higher life principle  the soul, to experiment with the field of emotional expressions, while

moving through multiple experiences at the same time. Our emotions open up the gateway that

ultimately leads to a full realisation and spiritual awakening, emotions are a direct connection

to the higher life forces that emanate from within the abode of pure LOVE/ We each are given 

these vehicles to permit us access into this low vibration dense  state, being compressed within

three dimensions of freedom, with access to the forth and fifth dimensions coming online to

many souls on Earth today. What so many of us all fail to realise is that we can ONLY be in

VOGUE here within this low density physical field of Earth, by the unselfish cooperation of

the four primary elements of Earth, air, Fire, Water, with the additional element of the Ether

as well, all these elements are intelligent living entities and they provide an act of SERVICE

to what is called Mankind, (Element kind?) and provide us with the physical clothing we need

which is our physical body. When we die (exit our vehicle) the elements reclaim the energy they

loaned us. Emotions in a pure state are that of unconditional love, but when unconditional love

become LOCALISED and thereby WRAPPED around an I AM SELF AWARE 

CONSCIOUSNESS , its unconditional nature becomes diffused and diluted and thereby 

becomes what we term as emotion. By our awakening into our true inner nature we can thereby

reset the cycle and begin to inward spin that will unravel the emotion and ultimately unravel

ourselves so that we would be transformed and transfigured into unconditional LOVE AGAIN.

Are you up to the challenge dear reader of this blog? Be in VOGUE.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday, 7 December 2020

Reconciling Of Ourselves Truthfully. R O O T .

 Our roots trace back far into the Aeonic past, way back into the 'BEFORE' when this 

universe was as yet unborn. Before this universe 'was' we 'WERE' within the "I" AM 

LIFE, in stillness blissful silence. Now after literally billions of years we have all arrived

upon an atomic speck within the universe we call Earth. The answer to who and what you

are is written within your DNA it is written within your subconscious memories, it is

vouchsafed within your inner matrix. All you need to do is to look within your self for

the answer to where your ROOTS spring from. The real crystalline beauty of this looking

within your self for the answer of your true immortal identity, is that if you actually take

and make the effort to do this, you will eventually reveal to your somewhat startled self

your true inner immortal nature. This way you do not have to take my word for this, or any

body else's word for it, you will know by your very own investigation into your roots of your

origin, you will be able to reconcile your self into the full picture and see your journey from

beginning in the time BEFORE time was ever born, through the embryonic  involution of

energy, surging through timelessness and infinite experiences,  and cascading into and becoming

a localised point of "I AM" self consciousness. Then you awaken here upon this Atom 

called Earth, and begin the process of expanding your self aware consciousness and perceptions

by under going experiences that you are able to reflect upon, and thereby learn the lessons

that the experiences teach you, and at some point along the way, it will dawn upon you to 

wonder about your ROOTS!

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends, thanks.


Sunday, 6 December 2020


 An IDEA formed within an Infinite Mind and expressed as a Thought Wave, can have 

 the Absolute and Infinite POWER to manifest that which we all call the Universe.

'WE' as the collective known as humanity are all basically the 'out-workings' of that original

IDEA thought wave. The ancient wisdom understood this principle of the power of 

INTENTION very well when they left the statement in their writings of 'Thoughts become

things' we are all evidence of this primordial thought wave IDEATION  being played out and

expressed within all 7.7 billion of us today. We are all the "THINGS" that have SPRUNG out

of that Original IDEA.

When we realise what humanity has manifested from within it endless IDEAS, the creation of

powerful Empires and the building of magnificent structures like the pyramids of Egypt for

instance, where ancient architects drew up and built these impressive structures that have been

standing for thousands of years, being mindful that these were built from within the mind of 

the designer, they all began as an IDEA within the mind of the architect, much like this universe

began as an IDEA within the INFINITE ARCHITECT which we call GOD, or just Infinite

Intelligence. The exact same principle extended to an infinite degree.

We are all localised points of divine ENERGY, When we have a focus and an intention to

do something ,we are in effect directing energy to the direction our IDEA is focused at, the

greater the intention and focus the more energy is drawn into use. If our emotions are aroused

then the energy will increase. If our ideas are of a negative nature then the energy we invite into

our being will transmute into the negative phase of expression, If our ideas are positive in nature

then the energy arising will gravitate into the positive spectrum. Thoughts (ideas) become THINGS

and these THINGS can be either be positive and uplifting, or otherwise become a nightmare in

the making. We each have the power of choice, we each create our own ideas, what are 

you creating with your ideas today dear reader of this blog???

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization..

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

Saturday, 5 December 2020

Vehicles Of Universal Consciousness Housing Enfolded Divinity. V O U C H E D .

'WE' are all vouched for by infinite intelligence which has designed a vehicle that can be

used as a method for Infinite Spirit (LIFE) to engage in the relative activity of encountering

something that cannot exist within the absolute stillness of PURE BLISS, this SOMETHING

is what we all call experiences. Experiences can only EXIST within a 'motional field' there can

be no experiences gained or obtained within a stateless state of motionlessness. It is only within

a relative duality based universe that is in a perpetual motion vibrational sequence that experiences

can and do occur. We as physical body vehicles are looking outward into the physical realm, and

as we motion through the invisible ocean of living SPACE, we are gathering experiences that 

impact upon us physically, mentally, emotionally, psychically, and spiritually, on a daily basis.

Our task that is hidden away within our subliminal unconsciousness, that gradually through

many life times here on Earth, begins to 'seep into' our waking consciousness state, invokes us

to begin looking within ourselves for answer to questions we often ask ourselves, and fail to

get a satisfactory answer to, questions like, who am I really? By going within ourselves we are

actually beginning to reverse the sequence that guided us all here long long ago, what we are

actually doing by searching for answers within us is in a way 'turning ourselves inside out'

so that the physical face of life ,is replaced  by a more ethereal self knowing immortal SOUL.

Divinity is enfolded within every human being, our task is to recognise this truth , which is

uncovered by our endless search through billions of experiences over multiple life incarnations

here on Earth.' WE' are all vouched safe here on Earth, the word SAFE can mean this, SPIRIT

-AS-FLESH-EMERGING, that is what WE all ARE, we are all Divine Spirit SOULS emerging

within this low vibration low dimensional field of physicality, in order to engage in experience

gathering. When you have had your fill of gathering experiences, turn your GAZE INWARD

and GO HOME to eternal BLISS and stillness.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you than please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday, 4 December 2020


 Wisdom is difficult to teach, the intelligent can learn, comprehend, understand, and make 

rational decisions based on logic, a wise person knows out of experience. What then is wisdom

and how does it differ from knowledge? An intuitive answer would say the wisdom unites, and

knowledge divides. What of the ancient wisdom, what does this say?  Well over the temple of

Apollo in Delphi in ancient Greece was written "Man know thyself", it was deemed as very

important that we all need to know ourselves. Why do we need to know ourselves? What is there

beneath the facade of form that we need to know about? Wisdom would unite mankind in a 

brotherhood and sisterhood, we would all be bound together with love and respect for each other.

Whereas knowledge cuts deep divisions within mankind, race divisions, religious divisions, and

fosters suspicion within different countries, instead of uniting the human race with wisdom, we

are dividing it with greed and suspicion of each other. Wisdom leaves no one 'out in the cold' 

it embraces all and works from the matrix of inclusion, its very nature is inclusive, whereas 

knowledge tends to become from the point of exclusivity, meaning bluntly that we will stay in

the warm, while YOU (differing from us) stay out in the cold. If we all heeded the wise words

that were written centuries ago, "Man know thyself" we would plainly see and feel that we were

all connected to each other by an unbreakable bond of Divine unconditional love. The each ONE

of us has issued out from the ONE DIVINE SOURCE, wisdom unites man with the insight that

clearly reveals the TRUTH of our UNITED ONENESS within the SOURCE, no DIVISION 

EXISTS in reality, Division only exists within the minds of those who are unawake to unity

and see only division and separateness from each other.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday, 3 December 2020


 Shakti is the primordial cosmic energy and represents the dynamic forces that move through

this entire universe. Shakti is seen as a Divine Goddess in Hinduism, representing the feminine

aspects of creativity. Shakti can be seen as the personification of energy that is creative and

sustaining , as well as being destructive and rebuilding simultaneously. Shakti is sometimes

known as an auspicious Source energy. There is though I feel an even more profound aspect

of this Divine Goddess that lies hidden within the word MOTION, as this blog title suggests

I see Shakti as the MOTHER of all MOTION (the MOVER and SHAKER of all expression)

This relative universe is in perpetual motion, all motion arises from within stillness, from the

primordial thought wave of the ABSOLUTE (GOD FATHER male aspect) when motion was

born aloft within the primordial INTENTIONAL thought wave, thereby ushering in the

feminine principle of creativity which is that of Shakti. This spirit life force is the creative

divine energy that will ultimately lead all MOTION (expressed SOURCE ENERGY) back to

from whence it came, which is motionlessness.

We have all been born physically many many times, numberless exits from numberless wombs

each physical birth (being mindful that our inner spirit has never been born, or ever died 

because its eternal) our births are only ever physical vehicles for the soul/spirit to use while

here gathering experiences. The divine energy of Shakti is moulding us bit by bit one lifetime

at a time, into our fully being able to make that final connection where we see and know who

we really are. This awakening is into the SELF, which equates to universal consciousness and

full awareness of just being the one BEING, when that arises within the fully realised BEING

The LAST WOMB which is Shakti EXPELLS you from her MOTION WOMB and you enter

Into the place of eternal STILLNESS,  where Shakti no longer dwells as the mover of LIFE.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Our Destiny Decided. O D D .

 If our destiny is decided, who or what decides it for us? Do we alone decide our destiny, or

are we guided into certain directions by the experiences we experience? In some Eastern 

practices there is what is called the "Pathless Path" this is a path uniquely your own and is

basically a direction you take step by step, which in effect is like you are weaving a distinctive

pattern moment by moment as you motion through your daily events and is coloured in by 

your actions and interactions with those you meet. None of us will ever have the exact pattern

of another, we are all unique in this way, we each have our own experiences, and the way that we

handle them,, in turn shapes the way we become. Do we sit and ponder what our destiny will be?

have we got hopes or fears for our future? Have we got any plans that we are working towards

and expectations of achieving this? Do we realise that we have a real say in what happens in our

life, within certain variables of course,(like sudden illness for instance). We each create our very

own "pathless path" each day when we make certain decisions about this or that, if we are not that

adventurous and stay within a comfortable space that does not stretch us at all, we will then begin

repeating the same thing over and over, our life pattern will then reflect this with a pattern of

what could be called 'sameness' and sameness can and does meld and merge into that of boredom.

If this occurs our life path has become stagnant and we are in a rut. If we are not happy and 

content with the way our life is unfolding, then what are we going to do about it? We are all 

shaped by our experiences, if we become ill or in pain, this shapes us in certain ways, it gives

us empathy towards others who too might be in pain, our experiences shapes the direction of

our evolving destiny, each experience adds its own precise colour to the individual pattern your

life is weaving. Is our destiny decided for us ? YES it is, we are the ones who decide it.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday, 1 December 2020


 What is it that we 'see' every day, but in truth we have never ever actually really seen?

A something that science has never seen, yet thinks it has, what can this not ever seen 

thing actually be then? The simple answer is staring us all in the face, we call it matter.

No one on this planet has ever seen matter, what we only ever SEE is the 'outward  

appearance' of an 'inner reality' no man has ever seen the inner reality of what we term as

matter, that inner presence is invisible to all, it consists of pure energy, of which we know

very little about. If we look deeper into the matrix of matter we will find one common 

denominator which underlies all appearances regardless, and that is pure energy. What

then is pure energy? Pure energy is LIFE, which breaks down into Living-Intelligent

-Focused- Energy, and the very essence of LIFE is SPIRIT which can be seen a the FIRE

of LIFE. If we look at mankind and look at its outer matter filled form the physical body

what can we deduce from this outer appearance? Well we can then see that mankind is the

outer appearance of an INNER REALITY, so what is the inner reality of mankind ? What

does it consist of? If the inner reality of matter is pure energy, then we must also consist of

pure energy, which then we label as that of our immortal divine SOUL, and the higher 

energy (the purest of the pure) we would call the Divine SPIRIT. If we understand this 

principle of energy being expressed universally, we will see that all matter in its inward 

invisible energy motional (vibratory) state, is EXACTLY the SAME THING, whether it

be the house you live in, a pair of gloves you wear to keep your hands warm, the banana you

eat for lunch, plus the tarmac you drive on to work, at the atomic and subatomic level all our

the same thing ENERGY. Matter is Spirit on its lowest cycle of expression. Outwardly we 

are condensed from the pure inner energy, and venture out into this level of expression to

gather experience. The physical vehicle is our most dense expression, less dense is our 

Astral body, finer still is our soul vehicle, beyond that we dissolve back into PURE ENERGY

of PURE LIFE, and enter into stillness and unbounded PEACE.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed  Facebook Soul Realization

If this post resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday, 30 November 2020


 How do we ignite the sequence that will align us within the inner flame or fire of the

spirit? All expressed life in enfolded by the inner flame which emanates from the 

SOURCE of all that lives and moves and has its being. The words from an old song come

to mind, "There is a fire down below, down below in my heart", indeed there is a fire within

us all, the living flame of life itself, we can sometimes feel the heat when passion and 

emotion flare up within us, when our faces turn red with anger, this is the living igniting

flame flaring up within us. We direct energy within us, and when our passions are aroused

there is heat generated. Heat come from fire. Because we do not understand what life 

actually is, we fail to connect to this internal flame in a way that reveals our direct 

connection to the source of all life, which is a LIVING FIRE, we all our that living FIRE

wrapped in a blanket of materiality we call a physical body. Emotion and passion are the

connecting rods that align us within the living flame of spirit./life, we we look within 

ourselves we begin to align with the higher energies that reveal the internal flame.

We all our living flames the sparks of life being expressed within three dimensions of

living fire, first we are spirit which is the pure fire and burns with a white flame, then

the second flame is the soul and burns with a golden flame, and third is US the physical

being which burns within an electric blue flame, this equates to the three flames of expressed

motion, within which we all dwell. Within the centre of your chest lies the heart chakra, this

is where we are all anchored within the physical realm, also in the crown chakra area, 

therein lies the flame of life. By engaging your focus of attention inward you will open up

connections that all lead to your higher self, which is the immortal soul, when you begin

the process of igniting this inner flame consciously, this will act as a consuming fire, and

what it will CONSUME is your ignorance of WHOM you really ARE!

Warmest regards Michael. any feed back welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation,

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Sunday, 29 November 2020

Uncovering SELF. U S .

 How do we really find out who we really are? What is the process that will reveal the real

you? Collectively we are known as us, individually we are known as I AM John smith or

Mary baker. The word uncover means to reveal what lies beneath the outer form, to open

the box and see what is inside. When we fail to understand what we really are and what our

full potential actually is. we then feel that we may lack something, and that to obtain this 

something we need to look outside of ourselves. The hidden truth which is vouchsafed 

within our inner being, will reveal to you the fact that you need nothing from outside of

yourself, because you already have all you will ever need, the problem is that you do not

know how to access it. Because of this ignorance of who we really are, we doubt ourselves

and imagine that we lack things that others have got. Take the word Enlightenment, this is

a buzz word on the internet, many websites sell courses of how to become enlightened, but

the truth is that EVERY ONE of US is already enlightened and have been all our lives, the

biggest difficulty is the FACT that none of us recognises this reality. Because of our 

conditioning from birth and an endless amount of false assumptions, we fail to cognise

our true inner potential. When we can begin the process of UNWRAPPING all those false

assumptions that we have built up over our life time, we will begin tapping into our inner

being, which will then begin to open up areas of consciousness and perceptive awareness

which will in turn reveal a more expanded concept of who you thought you were.

We only ever feel incomplete because we do not know ourselves, if we knew ourselves 

then we would automatically instinctively know and FEEL WHOLE. Nothing is missing

from your WHOLENESS, that would be an IMPOSSABILITY, but because we fail to realise

this basic universal truth, in our ignorance we feel that we are LACKING SOMETHING.

All knowledge, all wisdom, all of everything lies within your core matrix of being, we are all

PERFECT otherwise you would not be in existence period. But because we have not yet 

uncovered this inner reality within US, we think we are defective in some way, something

is missing or lacking in us, what is missing is your uncovering of you true immortal Divine

Identity, and when you uncover this truth within yourself, all doubt and ideas of lacking 

anything, will vanish just as the early morning mist vanishes before the rising sun.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Saturday, 28 November 2020

Consciousness Reveals Our Spiritual Self. C R O S S

 The cross we all have to bear is that our own ignorance into the truth of who and what

we really are. And just this ignorance alone stands transcendent above all other 

lack of understandings as the first cause of all our pain and misery, all our wars and

innocent blood shed, the greed and bigotry, racism and all the other aspects that become

compounded by our illusion of separateness and imagined differences. I recall a story I read

Over forty years ago now, that sent cold shivers down my spine when I read it. The story was

of a angel flying over a large city teeming with life, the angel was carrying a soul with him

and as they passed over the city the angel pointed downwards and said to the soul, "behold the

city of the living dead!" This story impacted upon me, and caused me to try and find a meaning

to this seeming riddle. This caused me to think and ask the question am I then one of these living

dead? What did this idea of the living dead actually mean. In the four decades that have passed

since I read that story, I have gathered many experiences and insights into this riddle .Mankind

is basically a three fold expression of living energy, this equates to humanity as being a physical,

mental, and spiritual being, this is how we are all basically presented into this realm of 

physicality. This three fold expression though is often not aligned by either our conscious 

awareness, or our inner knowing, which then instead of aligning and expressing within 

three dimensions of freedom, we are only existing in two dimensions rather than three,

these two are mostly always the physical and mental dimension, the spiritual dimension

is as yet unborn within the soul in question. This is the meaning I believe the angel meant

when he said 'behold the city of the dead; that city was alive with two dimensional beings

that were all dead to the spiritual dimension that exists within every human being on this


Warmest regards Michael, any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Friday, 27 November 2020

Spirit Enfolded Life Force. S E L F .

 What exactly  is a SELF? Do we fully understand what this name actually means?  We use terms 

like myself and yourself, who is this MY that has a self? Who is this YOUR that has a self?

Are we perhaps speaking purely from our ego's when we say words like my self/? What has our

I AM aware consciousness to do with the SELF? So many billions of us think that we are just

a physical body, and that this physical body is what we call our personality, our individuality,

our ego driven mind. So when we imagine we are these aforementioned  things, it then seems very

logical to believe that this collection of "IDEAS" would therefore coalesce into what we term as

our SELF. We need to be aware that this word mind, is a construct that we create along with the ego

the personality, and the illusion of individuality, all these mental ideas are formed within us from 

our birth, they consist of memory, interactions with parents and friends, the gathering of these

experiences, which then meld into a mental concept and coalesce within the brain at around two

years old, where the I AM self aware ego is born into the infants newly acquired SELF 

consciousness, It becomes aware of its self, as being apart and separate from its parents.

This self then is an ego driven entity, which can be seen as the lower self. What then is the

higher self? The higher self is who we all really are, when all the layers of materiality and

the layers of ethereal energy are removed, what is left then is PURE SPIRIT  which is the real

and ONLY SELF, which is absolute eternal Infinite BEING or GOD.

There is only ONE SELF that is ALL there IS, The word  self is really a singular reality, there is

no REAL plural or added S on the end of the word SELF. Like the word LIFE there is but ONE

LIFE, and that one LIFE is expressed in infinite number of ways, We as human beings are ONE 

SELF expressed in 7.7 billion ways.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Thursday, 26 November 2020

Cast Out Of Paradise COOP =(EDEN)

 Today I begin this blog with a short poem written specifically  for this coming post.

Cast out of EDEN by an Intentional wave,

Uprooted from stillness, and projected into

motion, entered the Maelstrom, within

the Infinite ocean

The Biblical story of Eden is I feel an updated version of the original story than began before

this universe was even THOUGHT OF. The Biblical story is I feel an allegory passed on by

the ancient wisdom to portray an updated version of creation that would suit the human race at

that age and time.

The deeper meaning is that within the motionlessness stateless state  of absolute infinite

unrealised potentiality which translates as LIFE ENERGY which is motionlessness and

unmoved, unexpressed. Pure Awareness Alone in its awesome integrity. Then within  this 

silence of profound stillness, there arose an INTENTION within the Absolute, this 

INTENTION was the BIRTH of ALL  MOTION, motion arose out of absolute

motionlessness, and was the primordial motion THOUGHT WAVE that gave birth to

the universe as we know it today. WE, all expressed living ENERGY were at that very 

moment that motion was born into action, literally CAST OUT of EDEN which equates

directly to stillness, motionlessness. We then unconsciously entered into the maelstrom

of spiralling energy and have been on the move ever since Within each one of us lies the

memory of stillness and absolute peace, it is buried deep within our inner matrix

the reason why we seek out peace and quietness at times is a dim reminder that echo's

down through countless aeons  of a memory of a time before any motion was born.

It is said that "THOUGHTS are THINGS" we are all the appearance of things from within

the primordial PROTO thought wave, that launched motion (expressed living energy)   into the

virgin about to be born relative universe. Aeons later we awaken as this label called mankind

and then begin reflecting upon where we have all come from, the simple and most profound

answer to that question is STILLNESS, we have all come from no-thing which was in

a motionlessness stateless state.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Space Is Not Empty. S I N E (WAVE)

 The ancients wrote long ago that "Space was an Entity" , and we all live and move within

this Infinite Entity called space. What then is this entity that we call space? In my 

understanding it is a colourless invisible spiritual Fluid, and we all OCCUPY this fluid

by our expressions "out of this fluid" as physical beings. When not being occupied by a 

star or a planet, this fluid is intangible and invisible, it vibrates at a steady pulsation within

a sine-wave S shaped pattern, this can be likened to a GREAT BREATH, in and out pulsation.

This FLUID is neutral and not affected by the duality based  relative universe, it stands

transcendent unaffected by the polarities of Yin and Yang positive or negative.

We could call this fluid the LIFE-Blood of the Absolute or GOD  for short. But that might

sound somewhat unscientific! 

All expressed life, which means life that has got MOTION as opposed to motionlessness, which

is our unexpressed mode, is condensed out of this FLUID (SPACE) and then becomes an occupier

of ITSELF within a material expression.

Humanity for instance consists of 7.7 billion occupiers  of SPACE which is condensed FLUID 

which is the LIFE LIVING FLUID of INFINITE INTELLGENCE, pulsating through the vehicles

(human bodies)  which MEANS that we all ARE OCCUPIERS of the one SELF from which we

all came from.

This Fluid, this SPACE, which should really be more accurately called FLIUDIC SPACE is an

Infinite OCEAN in which we all swim within. We each condense out of this ocean into an ISLAND

which we call our I AM self aware SELF. This ISLAND (you and me)  is presented within a form

and bursts into the (ILLUSION) of temporality (being born)  and then begins to wake up slowly

over a period of many presentations here on Earth, and eventually reveals our true Fluidic Nature.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

If this post resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Tuesday, 24 November 2020


  Psalms.8-4 "What is man that you are mindful of him"? What indeed! The question could be

what then is Life that we are all involved in? When we look deeply into the question of what

is life, we find that there is ONLY one LIFE that exists anywhere in this universe. We do not

and cannot pluralise LIFE, we know there is no such a thing as LIFE(S). Life is forever in the

singular, never plural. With the singleness of the Life Principle in mind , we come to 

mankind. What exactly is mankind?  A human being, a life force. How then do we render the

equation of 7.7 billion human beings into just ONE LIFE? If we go deeper into the matrix of

mankind, we begin to see a correlation  between the one life principal and the interconnecting

energies that link all mankind into just one COMPOSITE WHOLE. This then begs the question

'what  is this composite wholeness?' We all are the WORLD and the WORLD revolves on

our axis which is centred directly within our I AM self aware consciousness. This I AM self aware

consciousness is a centralised point of DIVINTY.  In effect and in fact we have 7.7 billion points

of  Divinity moving around on this planet. Now, the majority of these points see themselves as

many differing things, but below the threshold of their self aware consciousness, they all exist as

points of Divinity. We can ask then what is the DIVINTY that we are mindful of it? Say, for example, 

we do not like the word Divinity, well then we could use the word LIFE. We all are life, Not many 

would argue with that statement, except perhaps a zombie!  We could also use the word SPIRIT or 

GOD, or even infinite intelligence. In truth it matters not one jot what you call this one singular

Absolute Infinite Reality. We are all within IT, of IT, and ultimately ARE IT!

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

Monday, 23 November 2020

Coherence Has Risen Investing Soulful Truth. C H R I S T .

 The word Christ comes from the Greek word 'Christos'  which translates as that of the

'anointed one'  or 'chosen one'. in this coming post I will show that 'we' 'anoint ourselves' by

going within and connecting to the spirit within us all, and that we also 'chose ourselves' by

our actions of going within and searching for the truth of Life. That there is NOBODY who 

chooses you or me, or ever anoints you or me, we do it to ourselves, by our efforts and love for

the Divine wisdom that lies within each human being.

Christ energy is a Divine energy that brings and blends together the essence of the soul and spirit

within each one of us, symbolically we could say that Christ Energy brings together and 'marries'

the permanent an spiritual witnesses within each individual.

Christ is simply a symbolic term and name for the purely impersonal and Divine principle of

spirit, which is present in everything in this universe.

Coherence arises within us when we venture deeply within ourselves, searching for the answer to

the riddle of life. We begin raising up our lower self toward our higher self, this act of intention 

and inner focus brings in its train a greater sensitivity and heightened awareness, our  inner 

intuition fires up, and we begin to experience flashes of insight, and a feeling of expansion 

and inner knowing,

We are searching sometimes without our full understanding for the answer to who and what we 

really are.   By going within ourselves we are beginning to connect to higher energies, higher

vibrations, we are literally raising ourselves up from within, a vertical spiral of ascending energy

which will connect us directly into the Christ Energy principal , when this begins to occur within

our now heightened spiritual awareness, we literally anoint ourselves with the DIVINE FLUID

of the CHRIST  PRINCIPAL ENERGY, which will symbolically flow over our heads as we bow

in reverence to the radiance and inner beauty  of the Divinity we have just TOUCHED with our

Divine SOULS. The light of this inner radiance is that of liquid golden light, it is the essence made

manifest to the startled soul of the CHRIST universal Principal.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul realization..

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.