Monday 7 December 2020

Reconciling Of Ourselves Truthfully. R O O T .

 Our roots trace back far into the Aeonic past, way back into the 'BEFORE' when this 

universe was as yet unborn. Before this universe 'was' we 'WERE' within the "I" AM 

LIFE, in stillness blissful silence. Now after literally billions of years we have all arrived

upon an atomic speck within the universe we call Earth. The answer to who and what you

are is written within your DNA it is written within your subconscious memories, it is

vouchsafed within your inner matrix. All you need to do is to look within your self for

the answer to where your ROOTS spring from. The real crystalline beauty of this looking

within your self for the answer of your true immortal identity, is that if you actually take

and make the effort to do this, you will eventually reveal to your somewhat startled self

your true inner immortal nature. This way you do not have to take my word for this, or any

body else's word for it, you will know by your very own investigation into your roots of your

origin, you will be able to reconcile your self into the full picture and see your journey from

beginning in the time BEFORE time was ever born, through the embryonic  involution of

energy, surging through timelessness and infinite experiences,  and cascading into and becoming

a localised point of "I AM" self consciousness. Then you awaken here upon this Atom 

called Earth, and begin the process of expanding your self aware consciousness and perceptions

by under going experiences that you are able to reflect upon, and thereby learn the lessons

that the experiences teach you, and at some point along the way, it will dawn upon you to 

wonder about your ROOTS!

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends, thanks.


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