Wednesday 16 December 2020


 Gratitude is simply taking time to think about all the positive things in your life,

rather than ruminating on the negatives. It does not necessarily necessitate actual telling

anyone else you are thankful for the things they have done (although that helps).

Gratitude may be one of the most overlooked tools for increasing happiness.

I can well remember the first time I ever really 'heard' that word gratitude said to me.

It was back in 1974 when my life was in a major crisis state, it was at at this time some

new found friends came into my life, and they kept telling me that I needed to 'cultivate'

some gratitude into my life, if I was going to survive and begin recovering from my

illness. In my ignorance at the time I thought that in my crazy state of confusion and

anxiety, that I had joined a gardening group who kept speaking about cultivation of

gratitude rather than a addiction to alcohol group!

At this time of the year I am very mindful of the very comfortable life I have, clean water

gushing out of a tap, food in the fridge, a warm heated home, a safe place to sleep, I am very

grateful for all the blessings I have in this life, HOW DARE I ever utter a word of discontent,

when millions of my brothers and sisters all over this world have NOTHING to look forward

to except another day of hunger and thirst, no clean water to drink, no food to eat, no home

to live in, no clothes to wear, I have seen many naked hungry souls begging for a crust of stale

bread in my travels around this world. While we are all busy shopping and buying enough food

to feed several families for a week, can we just take the time to reflect on just how fortunate

we are to have been born where we are today, There but for the grace of GOD, we too could

be dying of hunger and disease, I was told by a wise man from the east, that if you can ask what

shall we have for dinner tonight, then you are far richer than tens of millions of our fellow

souls. Have you ever looked into the eyes of a soul who has nothing but its ragged body to call

its own? I have, and felt a deep anguish and sorrow arise within.. This time of the year is I feel

a good time to reflect and feel a deep gratitude within us all, we have so very much, and tens of

millions of us have ZERO PROSPECTS , only pain, hunger, thirst, no home, no hope, no love,

all that they will get is a rest from all this when they die all alone. There but for the grace of GOD

GO "I". May gratitude fill yours hearts this Christmas.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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