Monday 14 December 2020


 James Allen (1864-1912) wrote the following, quote," You are today where your thoughts have

brought you, you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you" unquote. Wonderful true

words indeed. Everything we see around us was first a thought, even your physical body was

a product of thought and intention within your father and mother, you were and our the product

of their combined intention to have sexual contact. In the field of quantum science there is now

a growing consensus that this entire universe is a product of THOUGHT by INFINITE 

INTELLIGENCE. We often fail to fully understand the power of thought,. thoughts are things

and the things that thoughts become can and do kill us everyday. When we continually entertain 

negative destructive thoughts, the results are often fatal, dis-ease such as cancer and many other

illnesses that plague mankind today, are directly and indirectly the result of our thinking. What

we focus on grows, if it is positive then that grows more positive, if negative the same thing

occurs we get deeper into negativity and thereby suffer the consequences.

Our bodies are the out-workings of our thoughts, we design our bodies in the same way an

architect  designs a building, the only real difference is in the detail? The architect's drawing

and plans are visible and therefore easy to follow, our design however is invisible and hidden 

within the mind, plus we are all virtually unaware that we are in effect and in fact all sculpting

our own bodies from the inside out!

As we think then so we become, this truth has been known for thousands of years, but how 

many of us pay any attention to this well known fact? Who is in control of yourself? is it your

thoughts that control you, or do you control your thoughts? Are you the master and captain of

yourself, or are you a servant or a slave to your thoughts? If we are not in control of our 

thoughts, then who or what is? This universe is a product of thought, energy follows thought

we are all living energy, filled with the life principal our minds are relative, our consciousness

and awareness are Infinite, we co-exist between varying dimensions  between the physical

dimension and the spiritual dimension,   if we can unite the two within our conscious mind

then our thoughts will become more whole-some and so will WE!

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Face book Soul Realisation.

If this post resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

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