Saturday 12 December 2020


Who wants to live forever? Who indeed!  Physical immortality, which could be termed as 

'low density immortality' physical third dimensional life. This idea of physical immortality

is as old as METHUSELAH from the old testament in the bible  who lived for 969 years,

there have been numerous reports of Yogi masters who have lived for hundreds of years, one

in particular called BABAJI is reported to be over two thousand years old. There are four 

major reasons we all exit our vehicle (DIE) these are first, IGNORANCE ignorance of who

and what we really are, second is ,Emotional energy stealing, third is, POISONOUS DIET,

forth is, Blocked chakras above and below the head. Our evolutionary path of ascension is

now beginning to steepen in its trajectory towards full SELF KNOWING. This means that 

the beginning of the end of REINCARNATION has already BEGUN. The reason for this

RECYCLING PROCESS is heading for completion, it will take a while before it fully LOCKS

into its FULL SEQUENCE, but the clock is already ticking. When we all gain MASTERY of

ourselves, physically, mentally, emotionally, psychically, and spiritually, then all dis-ease will

cease to exist, pain and hunger will cease to exist, old age the whole concept of it will 

eventually vanish from our awareness The whole idea of this endless repetitive process of 

dying, resting up in the Astral realm, then going asleep and being born again in anther physical

body, will cease, instead you will remain in your now physical body, knowing who you are,

seeing through your acquired wisdom and experiences, just what experiences you need to 

understand and complete your ever growing field of expansive all embracing INTEGRITY.

The WISDOM that grows out of experiences experienced, and the interplay and interacting

with many other souls, brings in its train the fruits of the acquired wisdom, which are 

unconditional love, acceptance, humility, charity, service, kindness, and a knowingness of

complete and TOTAL CONECTIVITY  with EVERY SOUL, and creature upon this

PLANET. The future of the astral planes are now numbered, they were manifested by 

Infinite Intelligence to provide a resting place for brutish early mankind, to exist in before 

returning back here for another incarnation. The astral planes have served us all well, now

we are all on the ascension rise into awareness and deeper levels of consciousness, where we

do no longer need these HOLDING AREAS of the astral plane, we will remain here in

physical form, gain mastery of ourselves  ,become physically immortal and remain here for

as long as we chose, if we decide after a thousand years or so, that we wish to leave this low

density state, then as the Yogis have done for ages, just step out of the physical body and

merge into an intangible pure energy state. Remember that this is about physical 

immortality, we have always been spiritually immortal.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you please pass it onto your family and friends, Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Physical Immortality is within our grasp, will you reach inwards to grasp your spot in the immortal limelight?
