Thursday 3 December 2020


 Shakti is the primordial cosmic energy and represents the dynamic forces that move through

this entire universe. Shakti is seen as a Divine Goddess in Hinduism, representing the feminine

aspects of creativity. Shakti can be seen as the personification of energy that is creative and

sustaining , as well as being destructive and rebuilding simultaneously. Shakti is sometimes

known as an auspicious Source energy. There is though I feel an even more profound aspect

of this Divine Goddess that lies hidden within the word MOTION, as this blog title suggests

I see Shakti as the MOTHER of all MOTION (the MOVER and SHAKER of all expression)

This relative universe is in perpetual motion, all motion arises from within stillness, from the

primordial thought wave of the ABSOLUTE (GOD FATHER male aspect) when motion was

born aloft within the primordial INTENTIONAL thought wave, thereby ushering in the

feminine principle of creativity which is that of Shakti. This spirit life force is the creative

divine energy that will ultimately lead all MOTION (expressed SOURCE ENERGY) back to

from whence it came, which is motionlessness.

We have all been born physically many many times, numberless exits from numberless wombs

each physical birth (being mindful that our inner spirit has never been born, or ever died 

because its eternal) our births are only ever physical vehicles for the soul/spirit to use while

here gathering experiences. The divine energy of Shakti is moulding us bit by bit one lifetime

at a time, into our fully being able to make that final connection where we see and know who

we really are. This awakening is into the SELF, which equates to universal consciousness and

full awareness of just being the one BEING, when that arises within the fully realised BEING

The LAST WOMB which is Shakti EXPELLS you from her MOTION WOMB and you enter

Into the place of eternal STILLNESS,  where Shakti no longer dwells as the mover of LIFE.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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