Friday 18 December 2020


 My first understanding of the word Humility was of the type of person depicted by Charles

Dickens whom he called 'URIAH HEEP' who  was  grovelling in a obsequious manner, forever

making reference to his  feigned humbleness, that in my ignorance at that time was what I thought

humility actually was, it was not until later in life that I began to see the real nature and divine

value that lies hidden within the principle of humility. Now I understand the principle to be that

of forever remaining 'teachable; to fully realise that my ignorance will always be greater than my

knowledge or any wisdom gained. To have an honest appraisal of ourselves, where we see both

our positive and negative sides, and accept them both as equal aspects of what we are. Humility

reveals the true nature of being, without adding on any pretentious nonsense that our ego's 

embellish us with, we truly see ourselves honestly warts and all, With this insight into ourselves

we can therefore be much more forgiving of our friends and family, because we see ourselves in

them, and understand the frailties of the flesh, The home of Humility lies in the inner realms of

the soul, Humility  is an energy that is born out of Divine love, it unifies it's host vehicle and sends

out unifying energy which effects those around.

Humility knows that all life is connected and interconnected, there is no separation or apartness 

anywhere in reality, the idea of apartness exists only within a very limited mind, if we open our

minds then we will see that the whole of humanity is united and infused with Divine unconditional

love. This time of the year can be a time of reflection, a time of realising that we in the west have

so much, with our tables groaning under the weight of food upon them, while millions will by

dying of starvation and disease. Humility to me means to give thanks to the bounty that I have

and that we have, and be mindful of those poor souls who have nothing. False pride, conceit 

and arrogance have led this planet into the state it now is in, if we can let go of false pride and

see the power that lies in humility, we each can serve each other into making this world a better

more even loving place to dwell in.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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