Friday 11 December 2020


 The word expression comes from the Latin word 'exprimere' which literally means to 

"press-out" in this blog I want to express the main differences between awareness and that

of consciousness. The first major distinction is that awareness is NOT an expression, it is

NOT "PRESSED OUT"  of ANYTHING, It NEVER MOVES, awareness is Absolute  eternal

singular non-dual Absolute REALITY. Consciousness on the other hand is always relative, it

is a quality of the mind, awareness is the transcendence, it is going way beyond the mind. The

mind as such is the medium of duality, so consciousness can never transcend duality, awareness

means the state of no-mind.

There can be no consciousness without awareness, but there can be awareness without 

consciousness, as in deep sleep. Awareness is Absolute, consciousness is relative to its content.

Consciousness is always of something, consciousness is partial and changeful, awareness is 

TOTAL, Changeless, calm and silent.

Awareness does not depend on any way whatsoever on the consciousness, and is not even 

touched by it. Consciousness comes and goes, awareness is eternal ever present ABSOLUTE.

When 'WE'  are all stripped of our expressions and thereby PRESSED OUT into this 

relative duality based consciousness/mindful state which we call life on Earth, when all these

outer GARMENTS (layers of Maya/ Illusions)  are removed from our core matrix, what then

will be left? What will be left will be AWARENESS ALONE, absolute non-dual reality,

Consciousness will then have faded out into the void where once relativity seemed to dwell.

AWARENESS is WHO YOU ARE dear reader of this blog, awareness is always absolute

it can never TOUCH relativity, because within pure awareness duality and relativity have never

EXISTED. Some would call this PURE AWARENESS GOD, I prefer the word ABSOLUTE

That word seems to exclude all the other connotations that arise when we use the word GOD,

The name ABSOLUTE AWARENESS seems free from any religious connotations. We are all

Awareness that are using consciousness/mind  which has given us all expression so we can all

be "PRESSED OUT into a tangible state and thereby engage within duality experiencing 

the flux and flow of tangibility, each one of us is a mirror image of the self, we reflect of each

other, and through that reflection principle, we will all eventually find our way back to a pure

awareness state, using mind and consciousness as direction finders leading to home BASE.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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