Wednesday 2 December 2020

Our Destiny Decided. O D D .

 If our destiny is decided, who or what decides it for us? Do we alone decide our destiny, or

are we guided into certain directions by the experiences we experience? In some Eastern 

practices there is what is called the "Pathless Path" this is a path uniquely your own and is

basically a direction you take step by step, which in effect is like you are weaving a distinctive

pattern moment by moment as you motion through your daily events and is coloured in by 

your actions and interactions with those you meet. None of us will ever have the exact pattern

of another, we are all unique in this way, we each have our own experiences, and the way that we

handle them,, in turn shapes the way we become. Do we sit and ponder what our destiny will be?

have we got hopes or fears for our future? Have we got any plans that we are working towards

and expectations of achieving this? Do we realise that we have a real say in what happens in our

life, within certain variables of course,(like sudden illness for instance). We each create our very

own "pathless path" each day when we make certain decisions about this or that, if we are not that

adventurous and stay within a comfortable space that does not stretch us at all, we will then begin

repeating the same thing over and over, our life pattern will then reflect this with a pattern of

what could be called 'sameness' and sameness can and does meld and merge into that of boredom.

If this occurs our life path has become stagnant and we are in a rut. If we are not happy and 

content with the way our life is unfolding, then what are we going to do about it? We are all 

shaped by our experiences, if we become ill or in pain, this shapes us in certain ways, it gives

us empathy towards others who too might be in pain, our experiences shapes the direction of

our evolving destiny, each experience adds its own precise colour to the individual pattern your

life is weaving. Is our destiny decided for us ? YES it is, we are the ones who decide it.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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