Tuesday 12 June 2018

Seed Thought Obeys Realities Mother SHAKTI. =S T O R M S.

The SEED THOUGHT that arose within the consciousness of the Absolute  was the birth of motion
from absolute motionlessness, to the arising IDEA of expressing motion and manifesting energy
from within ITSELF, this was the "first male seed thought" the seed thought was the semen
that then impregnated the creative impulse aspect of the absolute, the feminine pole of the ONE
this divine Goddess that emanates from within the Absolute, is the mover and shaker part of
Divinity. This Divine and absolute Goddess is called in Hinduism  SHAKTI, which is seen as the
Primordial Cosmic Energy, The Great Mother and creator of the universe. Much like Christianity
has the Virgin Mary as the Mother of God, other faiths and beliefs also tend to accept the principle of
a Divine Mother.The primal IDEA of creating a universe from within its SELF was  a  "male" seed
thought, but the actual DOING of it, the manifesting act of bringing "Spirit (energy)  on-line was
down to SHAKTI. and to this day nothing has really changed? All manifesting is made by the
Feminine, the "doer of the primal thought" that of Shakti. Here a point can be made about the word
"creation" in absolute reality there is no such thing as creation! How could something be created
that was absolute and eternal? We are all at our core level (spirit) thereby eternal by nature of
being absolute. there is no such thing as a "created universe" nothing in truth has EVER been
"created", manifested from within source, absolutely, but never created. This whole universe which
is governed by the SHAKTI energy emanated from within the absolute, that is why everything
that is a principle,or a natural law, has within it embedded and encoded the absolute signature.
We are all connected to the divine mother and the divine father, both are really ONE, but in order
to manifest the illusion of duailty, YIN and YANG are manifested, Yin being the female, (the
one that does all the work!) and Yang being the male, the one with Bright IDEAS! It suggests
in Hinduism that we need to open our hearts to the mother principle that of Shakti, rather than
the Father, as in our natural lives (mostly that is) the mother plays the most important part in the
child's  early life, the father often is in the background for support if needed. And as an ancient
occult law says AS Above so Below, and as below so above, if we go to the mother within we
will then later after we have built up a rapport with her, we then can access the father who is also
within us, and called the SELF.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com.any feedback welcome,facebook Soul Realization.

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