Tuesday 27 September 2022


 This blog today entitled SWAG is about that hidden away deep inside all of us 

lies that thing which we all at some time in our lives look for, and that is GOD.

We fail to see or even understand that what we are searching for is really our SELF

because the SELF=GOD absolute.

There is literally hundreds of millions of us who are like the "legion of the lost souls"

who are busy searching for "SOMETHING" that THEY actually ARE, which is GOD

which lies within every human being . GOD is not LOST, we are the lost ones searching

for something that is already vouchsafed within you right NOW!

The word "SWAG" can mean "hidden goods" the hidden goods are here and hiding within

you right now, which is your Divine Immortal Spirit. All we need to do is to look within 

ourselves and CLAIM  this hidden "SWAG", this bundle of Divine inner bliss, that 

exists within every human being on this planet.

"WE" all our GOD "wrapped up" within five KOSHAS  of awareness layers. We can

begin UNWRAPPING  ourselves by going within and seeking out this inner SOURCE

of all life, which lies at the matrix of your presentation here upon this planet Earth.

GOD is not some distant "DEITY" that lives out there somewhere in a place called 

HEAVEN, but rather THIS "DEITY" is closer to you than your hands and feet, in

reality there is ZERO-DISTANCE between you the outer vehicle and that inner

PRESENCE which is GOD.

It has not got to "COME" to you, it "IS YOU" right NOW, we need to all WAKE

UP and smell those proverbial roses.

Warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates withinyou then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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