Wednesday 14 September 2022


 Being is about that which is becoming, that which was, which means LIFE.  

All LIFE emanates from that which is BEING. All life has been on an seemingly

endless journey of being expressed and motioning through this universe contained

within a "current of expression" which we call evolution. For untold aeons has life 

been processing from one thing to another, always evolving and becoming more complex

and intricate .This evolution has been running now for aeons , and now that human beings

have arisen out of the ocean of life, we now have arrived at a point where we have become

SELF AWARE and have a I AM consciousness. This self awareness means that we are able

to do what no other expressed life can do, and that is to look within ourselves and ask the

question of WHO AM I ? Asking this question brings us into the realms of BEING, we are

then beginning to touch on our Divinity within us. Mankind is at the apex of BEING where

the ability to ask that question of who am I ?  Has been reached. We can see and feel that 

inner invisible nature that dwells within us.

Millions of us now have taken up the practice of meditation and yoga , this pens up our 

latent spirituality and brings it to the surface of our thinking and emotions, Being able to

look within ourselves is the gift that allows us to know who we truly are. We can see that

eternal life arises within our level of awareness , we begin to understand the nature of

life and the reason for it. BEING is about fully knowing ourselves and realizing that we are

all eternal DIVINE SOULS who have awakened into this glorious realization by looking

within ourselves,

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

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