This blog today entitled IDEAS is about realizing that within every hum an being on
this planet Earth, has within them an Indwelling Divine Soul which resides within
their auric field of expression . The soul being is interconnected to you by the
electromagnetic spectrum of pulsating living energy, which surrounds all humanity
on this Earth. Human beings are basically vehicles for the soul to use and gather
experiences. IDEAS is about using our perceptive consciousness to inquire within
ourselves and find out the nature of this "Dweller on the threshold" of our
perceptive awareness. When we can meditate and look within ourselves we will
begin to tune into our INTUITION, the word intuition means literally "to be taught
from within" "WE" then have to ask the basic question of what is the nature of this
inner teacher who is teaching me things? When we do that we will most likely be
put in contact with our Higher Self . Our intuition will guide us into exploring the
nature of this new found higher self. When we do that we may well begin to "feel"
that there "seems" to be a presence within us, that we don't at first understand.
As we progress with this internal inquiry though we will begin to have an "IDEA"
as to what is the nature of this indwelling being. When we do that we will be close
to revealing the true nature of this inner dweller, we will find that we are indeed an
Immortal Soul. Which has enfolded itself within your auric field of radiation and
is firmly connected to you by a magnetic field of spiritual energy.
When this happens to you then you will have realized your soul, which means that
you have now at last achieved what is called SOUL REALIZATION.
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.