Saturday 24 September 2022


 This blog entitled IS, makes a difference between the word eternal which seems to

exist outside of ourselves within this relative universe, and that of INTERNITY which

exists within us, as our conscious awareness. Our consciousness and awareness lie within

us, not outside of ourselves. All is within in truth. When we go within ourselves in 

meditation we are then entering into an INTERNITY of Absolute internal space-less

space an Absolute VOID of ALLNESS, which contains all that is was and will ever be.

We have within us all an internal universe which I call that  of INTERNITY it has never

had a beginning or will never see and end, INTERNITY is an UNBORN Absolute 

CONSTANT. When we go within we are entering an infinite void of all wisdom and

knowledge. When we listen intently within this silent void  we hear the sound of the 

SELF which is the silent pulsation of the almighty OM. this OM soundless sound is

the beat of "life in motion".  "WE" begin to understand that as we penetrate deeper 

into INTERNITY we begin to feel an expanded feeling of our being all enfolding. We

are being made aware of our localization being noticed by our now acute awareness 

and feeling in truth we are omnipresent BEING. The localization is within the physical

vehicle . While journeying deep within ourselves we see way beyond the physical vehicle

and see that we are truly all UNBORN PURE SPIRIT  localized within the vehicle you


Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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