Friday 16 September 2022


 This blog today entitled MISERY  is about the MISERY and the JOY  we all go 

through life after life in order to fully know who we are. "WE" are all humanity

which makes us all at the very apex of the evolution arc of ASCENDANCE.

We are life being expressed that has undergone a vast journey to arrive where

it is now, a journey that has spanned aeons of relative time,  to bring us to this

point , where we have all become SELF-AWARE, we each have an "I" AM  

self aware consciousness, this faculty brings us into the portal  of being 

virtually "Gods of self-knowingness", because by fully knowing YOUR-SELF

you see that you are literally that of DIVINTY which in essence is GOD/

BRAHMAN. We all go through many incarnations to finally reach a point

where we seek inner alignment , we go within ourselves and enter into the 

awesome silence that  dwells deep within us all.

As we seek out our inner divine nature, we are  tuning into higher vibrations of

awareness and consciousness, this then aligns us with that higher self within us,

which we will learn is really our Immortal Divine Soul. When you reach this 

point all your past MISERY will be forgotten  and only the JOY  of awakening

will greet you  with open arms. The relative YOU will begin expanding into a 

greater level of consciousness and you will become acquainted with the ageless

wisdom of the past. Here you will see and know just who and what you REALLY

ARE, JOY will then enter into your heart and being.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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