Friday 9 September 2022


 This blog today entitled MOWS is about how wisdom the secrets of all expression

into life lies deep within every human being, and that meditation is the ancient science

that is designed to reveal it to the meditator who practices this ancient science..

The first law of meditation is that is is "NOT ABOUT" learning anything at all,

rather the ancient  science is about "uncovering what is already there" deep within

you, buried under a deep layer of ignorance. Meditation reveals to you that within 

you lies an infinite universe of "UTTER SILENCE" this "SILENT VOID" is 

infinite and absolute it contains all the wisdom of this universe within ITS SELF.

Which means that it lies within "YOU" right NOW! All you have to do, is to go 

within your self . enter into the silence and await for it to flash insight into your

consciousness. You can ask this infinite void of silence any question you can think of

and the void will answer you in a flash of insight that will impinge upon your aware


MOW is about venturing deep within your self and beginning to realize the magnitude

that lies deep within you. The answer to all questions all wisdom lie there within you.

There is no need for you to learn anything whatsoever, all you need to do is uncover

what lies within YOUR SELF.

All wisdom and knowledge lie deep within you, just make a daily habit of going within

your self, and enter deep into that inner silence. All thoughts must be stilled , only in 

the silence does the DEEP open up from within your inner being.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

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