Sunday 4 September 2022


 This blog today entitled NAPE is about how we can clarify the difference between 

that which is the NOUMENON and that which is called the PHENOMENON.

NOUMENON is the "ESSENCE" of that which just "IS" which means that 

it is an eternal ever-present invisible spirit energy PRESENCE. The phenomenon

is the visible representation of that inner invisible NOUMENON. In simple terms

it means that which you SEE is the phenomenon, and that which you don't see is 


When we bring this understanding to humanity in  general we see that the outer 

phenomenon is that of the physical body. The NOUMENON  is that of the invisible

spirit energy that animates the physical being. Basically "WE" are the outward 

representation of an inner invisible reality. The invisible inner reality is who you 

really "ARE"! The phenomenon which is the physical vehicle is just that, a 

physical phenomenon that is animated by an invisible universal NOUMENON

which is the REAL YOU. NAPE is about trying to understand the nature of 

expressed LIFE ,in our case the human being.  The NOUMENON is "YOU" in

"ESSENCE"  your "core basic life force" which is SPIRIT, this ESSENCE 

which is YOU reading this NOW has been LOCALIZED from its universal 

omnipresent state, and made into a compressed packet of energy which is LIFE

and taken out of the ocean of the NOUMENON and placed within an "expression

field" of density where it then becomes a phenomenon or in your case a human being.

Our true being is an invisible divine energy which is immortal and eternal, this is the

NOUMENON, another name for this PRESENCE is GOD/BRAHMAN/GREAT 

WHITE SPIRIT. Your physical body is the phenomenon which we need in order

to interact with each other and to be able to collect experiences of tangible emotional

physical life, only a PHENOMENON (YOU) is able to do this, that is why Divine 

wisdom has brought about tangibility and density in order to fully understand the 

interactions of SPIRIT/being expressed within a capsulated body and gathering 

up the glory that is being revealed by the birth of MOTIONING LIFE, only the

birth of phenomenon made this possible, because within the NOUMENON there

is only eternal motionlessness, NO[THING ever moves there.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family or friends.  Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks. It is difficult to let go of the phenomenon to find the noumenon within.
