This blog today entitled CRISIS is about how when our backs are up against
the wall, there comes from deep within us a still small inner voice that offers
us help and reassurance that all will be well. This still small inner voice is the
voice of our INTUITION. When we are in a crisis situation and we hear this
inner voice that offers us comfort and reassurance , if only we followed this up
by inquiring as to the nature of this inner voice, we would all become awakened
into the realization of this INTUITION'S real identity. When we take the time to
inquire about the nature of this inner voice we begin to discover an internal energy
source that we n ever knew existed within us. This new found energy source is
that of your higher self which is the voice of your INTUITION. By going
within ourselves after the arising crisis and searching out the nature of this inner
voice, we are embarking on a journey that will awaken us into the realization of
our inner Divine nature. This can become the unexpected "reward" of our arising
crisis that we make contact with our real internal SOUL.
Crisis brings changes within our lives , and often the crisis has passed we can see
the wisdom that it brought into our lives. I hope this blog will encourage any reader
of this crisis blog to look within themselves. if you hear this still small inner voice
and reveal its true nature. And if you have no arising crisis , then also look within
yourself and reveal the hidden nature of your INTUITION, I promise you that you
will not be disappointed by such a wise action.
Warmest regards michael/ any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it ont your family and friends Thanks.