Monday 12 September 2022


 This blog today entitled PSI is about how we as human beings on the outer 

extremity, are also spirit or soul in the internal matrix of our being. The faculty

of our INTUITION, the word means literally "to be taught from within", the 

question then arises as to who and what is the NATURE of this inner teacher

who resides deep within us all? To answer this question of what is the nature

of our INTUITION, we need to fully understand how we are all  presented here

upon this planet Earth. Each human being is a three fold expression which consists

of being physical, mental, and spiritual, three aspects that make up the whole human

being. We mostly understand the first two aspects being physical and mental,  but the

spiritual dimension is often unknown or not thought about . It is here in the spiritual 

aspect of our presentation here on Earth that the INTUITION comes into play.

This is the PARAPSYCHOLOGICAL aspect of our being that also relates to 

that of our immortal divine SOUL. INTUITION is our direct connection to

DIVINITY  and our true immortal SELF. It is also that still small voice that comes

to our aid when we are in a crisis situation, here when all hope seems lost , a still small

inner voice gives us words of comfort and reassurance . This inner voice is our higher

self speaking to us, which is really our immortal divine SOUL. We do not NEED to

WAIT for a crisis to befall us before we make contact with out INTUITION, we can

go within ourselves and take up the practice of meditation , then if we do that daily 

we will soon be made aware of a inner PRESENCE within you. This inner presence

will be your INTUITION which will then lead you onto the realization of your 

Higher SELF which is your IMMORTAL DIVINE SOUL.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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