This blog today entitled WHISPER is about how within us is a Divine Spiritual
Soul who wants to be expressed consciously through you, how is it going to do that?
That is a good question, sometimes the spiritual soul will whisper to us when we are
confronted with a crisis situation, here when our backs are up against the wall, we will
hear this still small voice whisper within us words of comfort and reassurance .
This inner voice is the voice of your soul reaching out to you in this time of crisis,
where suddenly because of the crisis and the emotional imbalance that you feel makes
you open to become contacted from within yourself.
The soul reaches out to you hoping that you will follow this up by asking yourself who
is this inner voice that spoke to me? When we do this we are then looking within us for
the answer, we may then think that this inner voice was my intuition. The word intuition
means to be taught from within, so this begs the question which arises as to who is this
inner teacher, that spoke to me when in crisis? When we do that we are getting deeper
into ourselves. If we then begin meditating on this puzzle of the inner voice, we will then
discover that we seem to have a higher self , which we then identify as the source of this
inner voice. But when we press further into this we see that there is a Presence within us
and this presence is not the outer ME! So who is this presence that dwells within me?
That question gets answered when we then ask the question of "WHO AM "I"? What
is the nature of this indwelling entity? When we do this we find that we are confronted
with the realization of the true identity of this inner dweller which is our own Immortal
Divine Soul, and when we realize this truth, we have awakened into our true Nature.
warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.
Thank you