This blog today entitled QUESTS which spells out the words QUANTUM-UNIVERSE
sequence that the SOURCE put into place with the birth of this universe, by the POWER
of an ABSOLUTE THOUGHT INTENTION, The Absolute SOURCE of all included
ITSELF within that intention wave, the wave was the ABSOLUTE in MOTION, and
the motion was manifested by that Primordial thought intention wave. Motion arose
out of stillness and the Absolute moved into a relative mode, and this mode of relativity
was called ISHWARA the begotten not made SON of Brahman the Absolute.
The Source opens up from within itself the opportunity to experience tangible experiences
and the tangible experiences we all call LIFE, which stands for LIVING-INTELLIGENT
FOCUSED-ENERGY, Life is focused energy and the focus arises frm within the Source
of all life.
The Quantum universe is called this because it is a product of THOUGHT a sub-atomic
though wave intention , all universal actions have at their matrix firmly fixed in the sub
atomic phase of expression.
All expressed life universally is that of the Absolute Source becoming relative by issuing
out of itself a THOUGHT WAVE INTENTION and putting within that intention ITSELF
as a relative aspect of ITSELF which is Absolute, All expressed life is being experienced
by the Absolute as a relative entity which the HINDU teaching call ISHWARA , lord of
this universe and master of nothing, the begotten son of Brahman, begotten not made
ISHWARA is LIFE TOTALLY all expressions of life universally is ISHWARA and that
includes all of us within humanity. Our vehicles are all manifestations of ISHWARA
cloaking "ITSELF" with matter so that its FATHER BRAHMAN can experience
tangible expression and feel all the things that we all FEEL!!! Who is the FEELER
ONE ASKS???????
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization
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