Friday 24 June 2022


 This blog today entitled ROSE is about how every human being on this planet has

within themselves a Divine Immortal Soul, which indwells within us all, awaiting 

patiently for an opportunity to bloom like a rose that blossoms within the heart 

chakra of mankind. This blog is about how it is all our  Divine Heritage to awaken

that hidden soul within us, while we are incarnate upon this Earth plane in this present

lifetime experience. (the soul can only be fully realized while in physical form, it 

cannot be realized within the astral plane) It is our Divine Destiny to reveal that

Divine Being that dwells within us all. The way I know of doing this is through

meditation, that is the way I realized my immortal soul back in 1975  after a year 

of daily meditations. The secret of realizing the soul lies within your INTUITION

the word intuition means "being taught from WITHIN" your job is to investigate

who is this inner teacher who is within me? What is its nature?  By asking these questions

to your inner monitor which is your intuition you will begin uncovering the nature of 

this Divine Presence that dwells within you. Daily meditation focusing on your breath,

letting go of all thoughts, ignoring all arising thoughts, eventually with much practice

they will begin to peter out completely, then you can enter into that inner stillness 

and there you will find your true inner nature. Within this inner stillness your intuition

will become "FIRED UP" and you will receive flashes of insightful messages things 

that will be teaching you from within. When you grow familiar with your intuition

you will move onto realizing what you at first may call your "higher self"    this 

higher self  will then process into that of realizing your true inner nature, which is that

of your IMMORTAL DIVINE SOUL. How long this process takes really depends on

each souls awareness and how much they truly want to reveal their inner nature, with me 

it took a year, with other meditators it might be sooner than that or much longer a 

profound willingness to know and a passion to know and understand helps a lot.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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