Sunday 19 June 2022


 This blog today entitled PAN is about  PURE AWARENESS which is akin to 

NOTHINGNESS. How do you get into pure awareness, is exactly like you asking

how do I become aware? We are all just points in awareness co-extensive with time

and space , and also beyond both. Pure awareness is perception without cognition.

seeing without recognition, hearing without comprehension, pure perceptivity mirror

like and absolutely innocent. Pure awareness is unbounded, pure awareness can't be

developed or cultivated it just "IS" so rather than a practice, it would be more accurate

to say pure awareness is a state of insight or awakening.

We are all pure awareness, it is our ground state of being, but we do not understand and

our ignorant, barring further entry into this unbounded state. Ask yourself the question 

"WHO AM I"? What do you find? Awareness itself, the empty perfection of your true 


Pure awareness is NON-REFLECTIVE unlike that of consciousness, pure awareness just

"IS", it needs NO-THING  "NOT EVEN CONSCIOUSNESS" you can have awareness

without consciousness, but you CANNOT have consciousness without awareness.

Consciousness is a reflective principle that arises within awareness when the perception 

level leaves ABSOLUTENESS and becomes RELATIVE, consciousness is always 

reflective to something, reflective of something, unlike awareness which just "IS".

Pure awareness is ABSOLUTE and so are we in essence , our outward physical body

has consciousness and limited awareness, but this limitation is only because of our 

ignorance of our true eternal immortal divine being-ness.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog  resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


  1. Is Mindfulness the same as Awareness?

  2. No it is not, one is reflective the other is not .aware ness just "IS"
