Sunday 5 June 2022


This blog today entitled WAY which spells out the words , WHAT ARE YOU? That

is a good question, do you know exactly who and what you are dear reader of this blog?

Many of us think we know who we are, but what is that story? We know our name,

occupation, the school or university we went to, what qualifications we got, but not much

more than that. How many of us know what lies at the core of our being? What lies behind

our FACADE of form, the physical body? Many of these questions go unanswered throughout

our life time, because we think we know ourselves , which is just the physical body, and we

imagine that that is all there is to us! I am a personality with an ego that's who I am an

individual. That is what millions of us think and unless we encounter a major crisis or two

in our lives we will never venture any further than that.

We see only the physical FACADE of the human being vehicle we know nothing of the

other four bodies that we each have and are expressed through. We know nothing of our 

Astral body , millions of us never  know one jot about their astral body until the time of

their death then they are amazed to find that they now are occupying an astral body they 

never knew existed  while they were alive!

In truth we are all SPIRIT being presented though a medium we all call the divine immortal

soul, this soul has been "clothed" and cloaked down from its Absolute state-less state and 

being covered over by five layers of differing energy densities , which allow our five bodies 

to impinge upon varying dimensions of reference, the last and most dense is this physical 

dimension. We are all spirit with a soul and that soul is further clothed within a physical

body. soul indwells within each human being , SADLY though unbeknown to millions of

us the soul goes unnoticed and we are unaware of its HOLY PRESENCE!!!!!

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.


  1. What are the five layers? I presume three of them are Spirit, soul, physical. Is that correct? What are the other two layers? Thanks

  2. To give these five koshas their Hindu names are thus 1)Annamaya which is the physical body, 2) Pranamaya =life force, and astral body, 3) manomaya mental sheath also astral body connection, 4)vijnanamaya widom sheath, 5) Anandamaya Bliss body, there are also all five are connected and interconnected to each chakra as well.
