Wednesday 22 June 2022


 This blog today entitled BE is about a misunderstanding that millions of us have

about what is enlightenment and how we can achieve it? As this title suggests that we

are all already enlightened, but fail to see this truth because of the depth of our ignorance

that envelopes us all. All these websites that promise enlightenment are basically a con-job

or they are ignorant themselves of the reality that we are all born enlightened and we know it

not. Millions fall for their courses and methods they teach, and we pay over good money not

realising that we are being conned.

All of humanity is already enlightened, but know it not, because of the ignorance that fills us

with doubts and at times despair. When we are looking for self knowingness and take up the

practice of meditation, we are then beginning to UNCOVER what lies within our core of being,

Deep within us all is the inner self knowing of who you really are, but this inner knowing is 

covered over by layers of ignorance and false assumptions.

What meditation does for us is to UNCOVER  what lies within us all. UNCOVERING  is

what we all need to do, and when we do that we begin to find that we are more knowing

than we ever imagined. 

What lies within us is infinite wisdom and knowledge, all we have to do is UNCOVER

IT  from within our inner self. We are all enlightened deep within us, we have but to 

look deeply within us and find what has always been there hidden away by our lack of

understanding and ignorance.

Meditation is about finding out who you really are beneath that FACADE OF FORM 

which is the physical body vehicle.

Deep within us all lies the truth of who you are, which is a Divine Immortal Soul and 

when you find your soul you will then AUTOMATICALLY fully realize that you are

indeed FULLY ENLIGHTENED, and have always BEEN SO.

Warmest regards michael. any feedback  welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

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