This blog today entitled WROTE is about the after effects of that Primordial Thought
Wave of the Absolute Source manifested and issued out what was to become this relative
universe. In the Bible it is written in GENESIS that "IN the beginning was the word and the
word was within GOD" "THE WORD" was that Primordial thought wave that caused this
relative universe to appear out of NO-THING!
Within this primal thought wave was LIFE which equates directly with MOTION life and
motion are intrinsically linked together, and this blog today entitled WROTE is what followed
that primal thought wave. All expressed life universally (MOTION) is "Riding on the will"
of that primordial intention thought wave , when this is related to that of humanity we can clearly
see that in operation in the motion which we all call evolution. Evolution is basically life (US)
"riding on this primal will", just as a surfer rides on a board in the sea, "WE" humanity are
all "riders of the Absolute WILL" surfing our wills towards eventual enlightenment ,
And this is obtained through being incarnated here on Earth and thereby experiencing the
lessons we learn from those experiences and beginning to expand our awareness and
Riding the WILL of the Absolute is called by us that of evolution and evolution is about
getting to know who you really are and making this connection that "YOU" are related
to that primal ISSUER of that thought wave and have been "riding this wave" for AEONS
trying to put two and two together to eventually join up all the dots and reveal the
BIG PICTURE and realize this YOU is a immortal divine soul, and now you have
finally awoken up to this wonderful enlightening fact of your true SELF.
Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks
Thank you