Humanity is basically a collection of 7.7 billion vehicles who call themselves human
beings, but that being is in truth a biological machine . The real life force, the real SELF
lies deep within us all. If we seek out this inner true life force which is none other than
the divine immortal soul, we then gain access to unlimited power and energy. We need
to understand that energy comes from the indwelling life force than animates the physical
vehicle, if that inner ,life force SELF/SOUL left you would immediately cease to exist.
To fully know ourselves, we need to seek out the true life force that dwells within us all.
knowledge is power and the home of real power lies deep within us all. We are all born
to seek out the answer of our heritage and what is our inner nature, The biggest problem
in this digital age is that the focus is always on looking outward and never looking inward
you see literally tens of millions of souls of all ages looking keenly at their smart phones
as though they are worried about missing some trivial message, We are continually
distracted to focus solely on OUT THERE for the answer to life, instead of realizing that
until we start looking within ourselves we shall not grow into a knowledge or wisdom
The SELF is that dynamic life force that dwells within you , this dynamic life force is the
real YOU!
Not the cardboard cut-out which is just a biological vehicle and nothing more than that, the
real SELF/SOUL is that noble Divine Immortal Soul that dwells within the heart of your
true inner being,
This Dynamic enfolded life force the SELF /SOUL waits patiently within each one of us
awaiting for a chance of inner recognition of its most HOLY PRESENCE, please dear
reader of this blog honour this most noble guest that indwells within you and seek out contact
with this noble soul,
warmest regards michael, any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends, Thanks.
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