This blog today entitled VETO is about the eddies that trap hundreds of millions
of souls every day in repetitive behaviour of never ending going round in endless
circles. These eddies that form within us are literally sucking the living life blood
out of its victim, hence the name VAMPIROUS EDDIES. Life flows in a river of
energy which when you are in "THE FLOW" you are healthy and well. However
so many of us get caught up in repetitive behaviours which then become addictions
like to food, alcohol, drugs, porn, plus mental and emotional illnesses, which drive
us into going round in endless circles. What happens when you are in an eddy is
that the life flow of energy is stalled and begins to slow down this then forms an
eddy which is a vortex that gradually begins to spin, as the spin increases so does
our emotions mental and physical health begin to worsen and we become open to
all manner of diseases.
The vortex of the eddy literally sucks the life blood out of its victim and in severe
cases cause death by suffocation (where the eddies vortex rapid spin sucks out the
life, and kills the host) and dis-ease . Millions die every year from alcoholism,
drug addiction, obesity, and all manner of mental and emotional compulsions
The only way to bring this life sucking monster to heel is first to recognise that
you have a serious problem that you need to own up to, seek out help and
counselling, see your doctor and ask for help, make an effort to get back into
the flow of life, this is not easy if you have a life threatening addition, but it
can be done, I know because I was there up to my neck in that blood sucking
eddy, it nearly killed me with my doctor giving me three months to live, that
was 48 years ago now and I am still here alive and well. Seek help counselling
group therapy which saved my life, where your peers have all been where
you now are. The fist step is in accepting that you have a serious life
threatening illness, and then seeking out the help and support you need.
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization
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