Wednesday 3 February 2021


 Science has now said that this universe should be seen as a 'liquid superfluid' 

SUPERFLUIDITY, which means that its viscosity value is extremely low, close to zero.

This translates to me as that of the SOURCE of all life, has expressed itself within its 

Emotional Expression (this physical relative universe) and its INTENTIONAL ENERGY

(THOUGHT)  that brought about MOTION from within eternal stillness and then produced

the relative universe, had to then be filled out with a 'medium field' so that motion could flow

through it. This super-fluidic energy is to me the life-living- blood of the SOURCE-BEING 


This whole universe which is Totally Contained WITHIN the SOURCE, is filled to absolute

capacity with the super fluidic life blood of the SOURCE, of course this super fluid is unlike

the blood that flows through your veins, this blood, the ETHEREAL FLUID is pure energy

which to us relates to that of electromagnetism which by its nature penetrates through all 

dimensional variations.

Imagine then what we all are? Each one of us is a SOURCE BEING, a physical presentation

of an intangible invisible LIFE force. The ethereal life blood of the SOURCE has 

CONDENSED into your physical body. The Absolute infinite SOURCE has somehow made

itself physical and tangible, and has appeared as a human being! This human being is YOU

dear READER of this BLOG! How do YOU feel about KNOWING what YOU ARE!

When we all fully know our self we will then make the quantum jump into the full realising

that we are the SELF, the SOURCE of all LIFE universally and BEYOND!

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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