Thursday 18 February 2021

Consciousness Awareness Personality Ego Self/Soul. C A P E S .

 We are all born with no mind or personality or ego or any sense of individuality, all we have

at birth is awareness and a very limited degree of consciousness. All the added ingredients do

not become added to us, until we actually begin to become SELF AWARE, this begins at around

the age of two years old, when the ego begins to awaken within the now becoming awake child.

The phenomena of the "terrible Twos" is about the birth of the ego and the start of the I WANT

THIS AND THAT NOW! if not sooner!  At this point along with memory and interactions 

with parents and friends, we begin to create what becomes the term MIND our minds, your

mind, are simply created by us, as a direct results of us becoming SELF AWARE and a distinct

being  and knowing that we are a separate being, which is rapidly becoming a personality, ego

minded being.

Our awareness becomes consciousness as we begin reflecting and remembering where we have 

been, and piecing together our experiences through memory. This then gives us a sense of being

an individual, distinct and apart from others.

Our mind are just the ego and the awareness of being "I AM" here and awakened.

We do not create our awareness which is infinite and universal, nor do we create our 

consciousness, which again is infinite and universal, but we do create our ego's and our minds.

As we grow older and gather more experiences and feel emotional upheavals and distress, we

begin to ask ourselves questions, such as what is the meaning of life? Why am I here?  When we

begin asking these questions of ourselves, we then begin venturing within ourselves and begin

tapping into a source of information that we had not used before. Our minds when looking

within our inner being, become more deeply connected to consciousness, and our awareness 

also become expanded, this can result in our receiving intuitional messages from our higher self

the immortal divine soul.

In our journey from birth to death we explore many avenues of searching for answers to life's

many questions, when we begin feeling an inner presence within us, we are then about to make

one of the most exciting and wonderful experiences we will ever experience, and that is the 

inner knowing of who we really are, which is way beyond the ego/mind and personality, we

reveal within us our true divine nature, joy and tears roll down our cheeks when we make this

momentous discovery within us.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

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