Sunday 21 February 2021

Being Expressed Living In Enfolded Vortex Emergent Divinity. B E L I E V E D .

 What do you believe dear reader of this blog? I guess we all believe many different things

depending upon our differing experiences within this present lifetime. Have you ever thought

about how exactly you are expressed within this physical dimension? I have many times.

And through forty six years of investigation study, and meditation, I have discovered much

to do with our expression here on earth, and how it pans out in sequence of expression and

the contraction of the life essence (you and me) into a point of super-density obtained by

enclosing the life essence within a singularity vortex that holds the "I AM" consciousness

in a coherent localised space, held in place by the intention focus of the indwelling SOUL.

'WE' are all emergent divinity, being expressed within a biological machine we all mistakenly

identify with as being who you really are, this mistaken identity  and gross ignorance of who 

and what we really are, is the root cause of all the wars and bloodshed, all the  hatred and mistrust

between countries, the way we permit millions t die of thirst and hunger, while we have a glut

of food in the west. None of the aforementioned things would ever ARISE if we all understood

the REAL DIVINE NATURE within us all.  Each one of us is connected to every other soul

on this planet, we are all literally related to the ONE SOURCE of ALL LIFE.

We fail to realise, because of our ignorance of true identity, that all the suffering that occurs

to those who die of thirst ,hunger, or wars and dis-ease affects the whole of the human race 

it impacts upon each one of us, though for a while we seem blissfully unaware of this.

The SOLE reason any of us are here is to reveal our SOUL, this we do by gathering

experiences, and hopefully learning from them, gradually joining up all the dots and revealing

the true picture of who and what you truly are. Then when we can make the transition into

that of realizing our own immortal SOUL, we then understand what life really means, and

also understand the responsibility that accompanies this realization.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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