Saturday 20 February 2021


 Inner knowing usually begins to dawn upon us when we have encountered a life 

threatening crisis which throws us into deep despair and opens up questions about the

meaning of life, and what is its purpose? We are all programmed from birth to forever look

without for our answers to life's many questions, It starts in the pram where we dangle these

mobiles above the babies face, and the baby tries to reach out and touch this dangling toy.

This is the conditioning we are all programmed with from birth, the subliminal message

that this subconscious programming brings ,is that all of life's many questions can be answered

by looking outward only. It is only when at some stage in our lives, that things go badly wrong

for us, or we encounter a life threatening crisis, that we ever seem to consider looking within

ourselves for answers, here when we venture into the unknown regions within us, we begin to

feel some sort of inner connection to something that seems to be able to assist us.

Within us all lies a conscious monitor, we call this inner monitor our conscience, let your

conscience be your guide, as the saying goes. What then is our conscience?  Our conscience

is that part of us that also flashes insightful messages to us at times when most needed, this

is our intuition faculty, which is an aspect of our immortal divine soul, when we have managed

to make a connection with our inner intuition, we are then well on our way to beginning to

fully understand who and what we really are.

Being KISSED by the SOUL is about establishing conscious contact with our inner Divine

heritage, this opens up the door that leads to full SELF KNOWING. Full self knowing is

not only fully realizing who you really are, but also knowing and realizing of your total

connection and interconnection with all life not only on this planet, but connected to all life

within this vast infinite universe.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

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