Wednesday 10 February 2021


 This blog is about our presentation here within physicality, about how we are 'held' within

a singularity point of reference, and expressed within a double torus doughnut shaped 

toroidal field of electromagnetic energy undulating and pulsating at 1044 times per second.

That is the speed that we all blink in and out of existence, every second of your entire  physical

expression here on Earth.

The omega aspect of our evolution is that we are the last in a series of incarnations that will be

fully completed when we all make the quantum jump and make that final connection and thereby

fully realise the SELF within you, which is the SOURCE (GOD), when we connect with the 

SOURCE fully and knowingly, we will then have transcended  out of the human chain of

expression, and will have become SOURCE BEING.

The OMEGA POINT is reached when we have exhausted all experiences, and have made that

final and total connection, we all left the ALPHA point long long ago, now we are nearing the

OMEGA point, which is the demarcation point where we leave evolution, and are then truly

immortal and eternal BEING.

The I'M LOCALISED part of this blogs title is directly referring to our "I AM" self aware 

consciousness, "I AM" is the signature NAME of the SOURCE, we all use this PREFIX 

of I AM John smith, or Mary Poppins, without ever it seems making this most vital connection!

I AM EQUATES DIRECTLY to SOURCE, this should give you a big clue as to WHOM 

you really ARE! 

I AM is universal and ABSOLUTE, its consciousness and awareness are also absolute and 

infinite, our consciousness however is COMPRESSED into a singularity point of reference

and presented within a physical framework of reference, which then become LOCALIZED

within a temporal relative duality based three dimensional space, outwardly we are temporal

beings contained within a relative biological machine, we call humanity. Inwardly though we

are far more than that, but to find this reality and reveal your SOURCE CONNECTION we

thereby need to look within ourselves, and join up the dots, and reveal the DIVINITY that

dwells within all expressed life universally.

Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. We are all localised into a physical vehicle body, within this localization you will eventually discover that you are really an eternal immortal non-localized BEING.
