Thursday 4 February 2021


 Inner direction means to me that of making a choice to partake in the activity and discipline

of either yoga, or meditation. Both of these practices not only expand our awareness, but also

expand our levels of consciousness as well. Ideas arise within the mind and brain , its how we 

make use of these IDEAS that really makes the difference in our every day lives, if we foster

negative self defeating ideas, then we will suffer the consequences of these thought arising 

actions, and become mental and emotional ill. If we foster uplifting ideas and are positive

then we will be building from within ourselves a healthy balanced perspective.

An ancient occult maxim states that "thoughts are things" (thoughts are ideas) by our thinking

we are attracting into our lives the reality of our thoughts, prolonged thinking (ideation) along

any particular tract, whether its positive of negative, will result in magnetizing the IDEA and

DRAWING this IDEA into YOUR LIVING EXPERIENCE! We need to become very 

conscious of what we are actually spending our day THINKING ABOUT, if its healthy 

positive wholesome ideas, well that great, you will enjoy reaping the benefits of that ideation.

However if its not, if you are living in fear of what might happen to you, if your thoughts are

fearful, then you are then MAGNETIZING attracting the last THING you want in your

life! This then seems like MADNESS, and of course it is. However because so many of us fail

to understand the law of attraction, we fall into the TRAP of attracting a CANCER into our 

lives, because of our ignorance of the law of thought dynamics, and how our thinking patterns

become magnetized and thereby materialize into daily life experience.

There are limits in our outer direction, like we are limited to this planet and the air we need to

breathe, inwardly though the journey is limitless and infinite, our awareness and consciousness

can both expand exponentially as we become able to go deeper into our meditations or yoga 

practices. As we journey within our self we begin to better understand the ways of inner life

and begin to see the connectivity of all things being unified into one basic reality.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

if this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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