Thursday 11 February 2021


 PSIENCE, means literally "the place where science and the supernatural meet" These two

perspectives meld into one , as we venture deeply into the inner reaches of our inner SELF.

The 'phase shift' is noticed as we enter more deeply into the silence within, as our brain

becomes still, and all thoughts are held in abeyance, we enter into another dimension of

expression, this dimension is slightly out of phase with the normal space time continuum 

we normally experience in our usual waking state. When we reach this level of expanded 

awareness, we then leave science behind, and enter the inner world sometimes called the

supernatural world. All it really is, IS NATURAL only raised to a higher level of expression

than we normally all experience. It becomes SUPER because there is a wonderful majestic

magic in experiencing light and concepts that were completely unknown to you, before you

began venturing within yourself.

We begin to realise that dimensions are really just like layers of consciousness, the dimension

only really exists within your consciousness and awareness, you can phase into a dimension and

phase out of a dimension by varying the level of your awareness and consciousness.

If we pose the question to our inner self, what is the PRESENCE that I sometimes feel, when 

either in a crisis situation, or being AWED by a star light night? An inner voice will answer you

and inform you that you are indeed the PRESENCE you have searched for all of your life! So

many countless millions of us search vainly outside of ourselves for answers to the questions

that can only be answered from deeply within your sacred psyche, which will reveal to your

startled self, that you are the BEING you have searched for all your LIFE. you will reveal 

what ordinary science can never reveal to YOU, that only PSIENCE that combines the inner

with the outer, and ventures beyond the reaches of science into the supernatural reality that

exists within your self. Then you will know that the great COMFORTER exists within YOU

that you are the PRESENCE you are the SELF, you are the immortal divine soul, you are that

which Is WAS and will always BE! That then brings you LIBERTY.

Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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