Saturday 24 November 2018

Way Of Manifestation Becoming. =W O M B .

How does anything actually become? From where does this yet to become arise? For a human
womb to become pregnant it needs a seed to be implanted within it. What does this imply to
all universal life? From whence did the primal life seed arise? That gave birth to all motion from
stillness, and manifested tangibility from the intangible?
These are some very deep and profound questions, from where can we find the answer to this
great mystery?  If we look into the ancient wisdom which was written down many thousands
of years ago, it can give us very clear and precise answers to these most profound questions
on what and where life came from.
We can also gain insight into these deep questions, by looking within ourselves, because within
us all lies the answer to all this,we need to understand that we all our the very embodiment of
what can be termed the life principle, we all are living conscious entities that each has vouchsafed
within their primal matrix the full and complete record of their complete journey from their first
issuing out from stillness into motion until this present day,the complete record exists within each
one of us, all we need to do is to go within and begin the journey of self discovery.
It may be a rather strange concept to accept, but this whole physical universe is actually a womb
and it is totally full of life that is undergoing constant shaping and refinement, each portion of
tangible or intangible life is undergoing constant change all leading ultimately to full and total
realisation of who and what it actually is,and this process, this manifestations will take in some
cases billions of years to become consciously perfected.
One primal womb has given birth to countless other wombs that each give focus and direction
to their particular link in the endless chain of becoming life. Like the human womb provides
access to souls that wish to incarnate here for the purpose of gathering experience. And all the
creatures of the earth give their wombs to allow access of their energy life force to manifest here.
If we look at life, which to me stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy=LIFE , life then
presents itself in the singular, there is only one life in the whole universe, and the principle which
is life is also eternal and lies beyond the reaches of Alpha and Omega, life is the eternal constant
reality. In pert two will explore this far deeper, and look at the question of how can you become
when you are already eternal?
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks. The simplicity of oneness is immensely appealing.
