Wednesday 10 January 2024



This blog today entitles THIS  is about THAT sequence which holds our lives

in a vice like grip of recurring incarnations here upon planet Earth. Why are we 

all on this downward spiral into density upon this planet Earth? To answer this

question fully we need to look at what and who we really are. What is a human

being exactly? What is its inner nature? We are all presented here on Earth in a 

three fold expression, which is  physical, mental,  and spiritual beings. The 

physical and mental dimensions are related to this relative universe and the

four  elements that reside here, that of Earth, Air, Fire, and water  the fifth

element  which is the Ethereal  element the spiritual aspect of our presented

package. In essence "WE" are all spirit who have a covering of five layers

called KOSHIC SHEATHS. The reason we keep coming back to Earth is

two fold, one is for us to fully realize who and what we really are, and this

can take many incarnations here before the "proverbial  penny drops" and

we then fully know our SELF as a Spiritual Being, and secondly we are here 

to gather experience of tangible relative life. We incarnate here where we are 

plunged into density and thereby forget who and what we are, Then feel our

way through this life time. Then we die (change venues) ascend into the Astral

realm , where we then take stock and access how that life had gone, what did

we learn from it? This sequence of incarnating here does eventually come to

an end. This occurs when we fully know and understand who we really are

which is an Immortal Eternal Being who is UNBORN SPIRIT. Then we leave

this sequence of incarnation , for something much more Blissful.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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