This blog today entitled SEER is about how we can fully understand what a SEER
actually is. The human race comprises of eight billion SEERS , what then is the
nature of a SEER? A seer is one that sees, that has spiritual insight. At the back
of our eyes and in our inner matrix who or what is witnessing, that which is being
seen? What is the hidden nature of this seer witness? Eight billion SEERS all
witnessing eight billion different visions of seeing what is before the seeing witness.
A clue to this riddle about the hidden identity of the SEER lies in the title of this blog
Spirit-Eternal-Experiencing-Relativity=SEER. So who then is this SPIRIT who is
eternal and is currently experiencing that of a relative life here on Earth? This SPIRIT
in the singular as there is only ONE SPIRIT in Absolute Reality. which is often
referred to as that of GOD or SOURCE of ALL. This then means that all the eight
billion human SEERS are in fact all SEERS of this ONE ABSOLUTE SPIRIT, GOD
or SOURCE of all.
So that this UNBORN eternal Spirit has enabled ITS SELF to become LOCALIZED
within its relative universe in order to gather experiences of relative duality based life
expressions. Which means that all eight billion of us are all gathering experiences at
the same time, and each one of us SEERS is then relaying this singular perspective
of that SEER back to the inner SPIRIT who is the Eternal ONE , all eight billion
experiences are all felt by SOURCE GOD SIMULTANEOSLY!. We that of humanity
are all GOD/SOURCE on two legs. But we know it not, due to a blanket of ignorance
that veils this vision from our understanding.
warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.
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