Monday 15 January 2024



This blog today entitled BEFORE is about how in the BEFORE when this universe

was as yet UNBORN, "WE" being that of "motional life" were all within the SILENCE

of Eternal Bliss, which is that of the Absolute SOURCE of all there is in existence.

When motion was born ALOFT within Absolute MIND, which was an INTENTION 

WAVE of Motional IDEATION from which gave birth to a virgin universe, made out 

of a Thought IMAGED Intention Wave. The essence of what life actually is,  lies

in the matrix of MOTION, life equates directly to that of motion and all motion 

universally was born within a THOUGHT WAVE, which then gave birth to motion

from out of absolute motionlessness. This was the CAUSELESS CAUSE , that was

the birth of ALL MOTION (atomic vibration)  in this universe "WE" that projected

intention wave became LIFE which means Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy,  "WE"

all our this living intelligent energy embodied and formed  within this living energy matrix.

Humanity has arrived after  countless billions of years at a point in its evolution where we

are now at the APEX POINT of our journey through AEONS of expressions through all

Life's many sequences. Our DNA are chemical markers that record our entire journey

from the single cell  up to what we are now which is SELF AWARE I AM  consciousness.

We are at the point where we can see this process and reveal the Divinity within us. We will

see that we are all ETERNAL BEING. The BEING is in the SINGULAR there are no

PLURALS in  the ETERNAL BEING. We are all ;pure SPIRIT who have been motioning

through life for billions of years. BUT as we are all Eternal BEING , billions of years is

basically meaningless to that which is UNBORN eternal BEING.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

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