Wednesday 17 January 2024



This blog today entitled SOULS spells out the way that all life universally is

presented within a Divine Spiral Sequence that basically rotates pure Spirit

into a super compressed form and shape, via a singularity vortex and thereby

presents it into the dimensional portal allocated to that portion of life expression.

SOULS are the tangible expression of intangible SOURCE. we need to understand

that the word SOUL here means the "NAME" of the covering given to SPIRIT 

that cloaks it from becoming into contact with gross matter. The covering that cloaks

all life universally are called    KOSHAS or SHEATHS  "SOULS" are the coverings

for Divine Spirit to protect it from gross matter.

The sequence is that there is ONE LIFE ONLY and then there is an infinite amount 

of KOSHAS (SOULS)  all life is KOSHIC covered. Humanity has five KOSHAS in

its expression sequence  the dense physical body is the lowest  KOSHA and the BLISS

body KOSHA is the highest.  Here we see plainly that souls are that of KOSHIC

embodiments for that of Pure Divine Spirit . Koshas enable spirit to be moved by the

KOSHIC SHEATH  into the presence of motion in life expression. Spirit in essence is 

eternally motionlessness because when you are an omnipresent and ubiquitous  the idea

of motion does not exist, where could you move to where you were not already occupying?

All life rotates in spirals in and out of existence. When humans die (change venues) we 

rotate out of our physical body , and ascend rotate into the Astral realm  in our Astral body

which is also a KOSHA. This is the tunnel vortex effect that we see on our death departure

sequence, a blue spiralling vortex that safely guides you into your next ABODE in life.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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