Monday 8 January 2024



This blog today  entitled ENIGMAS is about us being able to unravel the mystery 

of our human being-ness, and to be able to acquire the insight that will answer the

ENIGMA of human being-ness, To be able to fully answer the question of what lies

beneath this FACADE of FORM we call the human body vehicle? The mystery that

confronts mankind can only really be answered from self enquiry, and also reading

various books about self knowingness. Many of us start by asking the basic question

of  "WHO AM I ?" that will set out a line of enquiry that will lead us deeper  into our

inner nature. Meditation or yoga are two great tools to use  that will enable us to 

venture within ourselves. We will soon see that we are all presented here in a three

fold  expression  being a physical, mental, and spiritual being. We are all very familiar

with the first two expressions of being physical and mental, but often the spiritual 

aspect is overlooked , or not even realized within us.

To function  fully in our presented expression we need to be expressing all three aspects

of our Being, without the spiritual aspect functioning , we are what could be called  and

seen as being "half cocked"  not fully loaded into full presented format. 

By venturing within ourselves we therefore open the door to our INHERIT  spiritual

nature. This awareness will begin balancing your life perspective so that you will

be in harmony with the inner spiritual energies that impact us daily if we are aware

of them. You will answer the ENIGMA of your life expression  by going within

and seeking the answer.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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