Thursday 4 January 2024



This blog today entitled REALM is about how we can understand what this realm

we all live in actually means. Our realm is planet Earth and to understand this term

we need to define what this actually means? This planet is basically  a THEATRE OF

Motioning  Living Energy. this living Intelligent energy, we call life. LIFE means

Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy, and planet earth  is the realm or field in which

this living life energy is MOVED through this motioning which we call evolution

on an ascending upward SPIRAL.

The word reality in essence means "that which eternally "IS" and will never change.

Reality is entwined around all life awaiting the conscious awareness that is able to

understand this enclosed inner pointer. Humanity has reached a stage within this 

Earths realm that it is able to look within its inner matrix and begin the awakening

process of engaging with the entwined reality that lies within our inner being.

We will slowly become to realize through the practice of meditation or yoga that

this inner silence begins revealing that our SPINES are a "VERTICLE COLUMN"

that will lead the enquiring soul to that of enlightenment through the process of a 

KUNDALINI awakening. where the dragon of wisdom will slowly entwine around

the spinal column. This is the hidden meaning of the story of JACOBS LADDER in

the Bible. This ascension up the spine to the crown CHAKRA  brings about a full

realization of our inherent Divinity and opens up your understanding of what reality

actually means. We wake up knowing that we are reality in motion, this motion is

called LIFE, and behind  this living motional life body vehicle, there is Divine Eternal


warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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