Saturday 20 January 2024



This blog today entitled SPIN-"US" is about the expression sequence that enables 

our full expression into this three dimensional domain of planet Earth. Humanity

all eight billion of us our all expressed within five layers of intelligent energy (SPIRIT)

which radiate and permeate through five dimensional layers  of expression which 

are called KOSHAS, each layer surrounds the densest point (physical vehicle body)

like layers in an onion, a circle within a circle times five. The "SPIN" which is the

singularity point of reference, is the "anchor point" within the singularity that holds

the "spirit essence" in  its vortex embrace, this point of reference is located within

the heart chakra of all mankind , and is totally surrounded by an electromagnetic field

which acts as a toroidal field of undulating energy which connects all expressed 

humanity within its electromagnetic embrace. 

We are all connected to each other humanity is "US" a Universal SELF (GOD)

fragmented and polarised into a spectrum of eight billion points within the presented

NOW. Humanity is that of PURE ABSOLUTE SPIRIT , clothed and covered over

by five dimensional layers of awareness .Our physical bodies are only biological

machines that have the spirit essence so that it can experience life expression within

a duality based three dimensional world. What we  call humanity is really the name

for the KOSHIC  coverings that protect the Divine Spirit (YOU and ME) from coming

into contact with gross matter. We are all here to gather experience and wake up 

into the full knowledge of who and what we really are. We are all SPIRIT(SELF)

eternal BEING, now busy gathering experiences , and hoping to wake up soon.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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