This blog today entitled USING is about us USING our natural Intuitive powers
to begin the task of seeking out the true and lasting nature of our full identity realization.
Natural intuitive intelligence poses the question to your lower self as to "what is your
full expressed nature?" And invites you to look within yourself in order to find out.
We need to look "beneath this FACADE of form" and see what lies there deeply within
us all. What exactly is a hum an being? Do you know fully? Do you understand the reason
why you are here on planet Earth? All these questions posed to your inner intuition will
become answered if you make a daily practice of meditation and venture into that inner
silence within you. Here in that silent inner void the answers to all your questions will be
answered by your higher self, which is directly connected to your intuition faculty.
Both of these will work in conjunction within you to reveal the true nature of your being .
We are all presented within a three fold expression of being , physical, mental, and spiritual
we are primarily a SPIRIT in essence, which is clothed in five KOSHAS which keep the
spirit from coming into contact with gross matter. YOU are a SPIRIT first and that is
covered over by these sheaths which taper down in density until we reach the physical
body, your physical body is a vehicle that the SPIRIT uses to collect experiences of
tangible life on Earth,
By going within ourselves we begin the waking up process and therefore begin to know
the true and eternal nature of our TRUE SELF which is that of SPIRIT eternal our unborn
Absolute reality.
warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.