This blog today entitled SIN is about how we understand what this word actually
means. We have the Biblical meaning of the word sin and what the religious teachings
say about the word sin, meaning that we cause offence to the DEITY/(GOD) and that
means we will therefore be punished in some way by GOD.
There is also another meaning of the word SIN which is acted on by natural law and
impacts upon by reason of our ignorance of our true immortal identity. SIN actually in
reality and nothing to do with any written DOCTRINE , the operation of natural law upon
the human being who by his/her gross ignorance of who they really are "NEGATE THEIR
SELF" which is that of PURE SPIRIT, and because of this gross ignorance of who they
really are "INFLICT HARM" upon THEMSELVES" by the nature of their ignorance.
"WE" are not "punished" FOR WHAT we do, but rather "BY" what we do, there is a big
difference here we need to understand.
"WE" are hurt "sinned" by our own ignorance of who we are . WE DENY our SPIRIT
NATURE and the cost of this is misery, pain, and dis-ease.
When our real inner nature is known by us all sin will then vanish forever. Because we will
no longer be IGNORANT of our true Divine inner nature.
SIN is really a name for "IGNORANCE OF BEING" once we look within ourselves and
begin to see who we really are, which is immortal Divine Pure Spirit , having an human
being experience upon this planet Earth, to experience tangible life in relative format.
When we realize this most basic TRUTH of who we all our, then all SIN will vanish
forever ,like the mist does before the rising SUN.
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this bog resonates within yu then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.