Monday 5 December 2022



This blog today entitled PRISMS is about how the perfect light of Pure Spirit 

is refracted through the PRISM of expression into the Seven Shades  of man kinds

expression upon this planet earth. basically there are seven families  of the human

expression , which then coalesce into many more shades or sub species of human 

expression. The portrayed reality is that SPIRIT is the primal eternal causeless cause

and from that  primal essence life arises from the eternal ocean of pure spirit . Life 

is SPUN into motion by the intention thought wave of the Absolute SOURCE.

All life is basically the "SHADOW" of Pure spirit , which is that of PURE LIGHT

The shadow of this pure light is what  we call LIFE.

"WE" are in fact "refracted shadows"  light that has been condensed and contracted 

into a congealed state called energy, this energy then becomes entangled within a 

consciousness eddy of localized spirit  and then becomes a life force projectile into

matter. There are eight billion souls upon this planet Earth , but only ONE SPIRIT.

We need to think on this fact and let it sink into our awareness and consciousness.

The Absolute Eternal ocean of SPIRIT is ONE BEING-LESS-BEING , not MANY

From the ONE comes the MANY, and from the many come the ONE.

That is the sequence of BEING-NESS . "WE" are all ONE being expressed as the 

MANY, all eight billion human being souls will all eventually dissolve back into that

ocean from whence "WE" all came from long long ago.." WE"  will  still have awareness

"WE" will not LOSE anything whatsoever, but you will GAIN ALL !

Warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then lease pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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