Monday 26 December 2022



Todays blog called COMES is being written on my birthday which is Boxing day

I am 78 years young today. This blog is about how my life was saved by this 

universal "COMFORTER" nearly forty nine years ago, and that this blog which 

is about the "Spirit of Truth" that dwells within everyone of the eight billion souls

who live on this Earth. In the Bible  John 15, God says that IT will send a 

COMFORTER called the "Spirit of Truth" that will dwell within mankind , Here

we need to FULLY UNDERSTAND that this spirit of truth dwells within every 

human being regardless of their faith or belief. It is a UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLE

VOUCHSAFED within ALL of HUMANITY. This principle is our "INTUITION"

which is the HIGHER SELF  which is the SPIRIT OF TRUTH which we call GOD

or SOURCE. Back in 1974 I was at a point of complete desolation and near death 

from chronic alcoholism , I fell to the floor and cried out for the Great Spirit of the 

universe to help me. Then a reassuring inner small voice came to me and said that I 

will get well and recover from this addictive illness.

Well that was over forty eight years ago and I have remained well and sober ever since.

This blog today is written with deep love and gratitude to this Great Spirit of the universe.

Who presents itself within us all as a Divine inner Comforter . This Spirit of Truth is 

our INTUITION which tunes into our higher self which then when we go deeper reveals

that Holy Spirit that dwells within us all.

We all eight billion of US have this "Still Small Inner Voice" within us ,this inner

voice is our INTUITION which connects us to who we really ARE, which is DIVINE

SPIRIT having a human experience upon this Earth planet, to discover the experience 

of what tangible life is really like . MAY the COMFORTER AWAKEN in your HEART

today dear READER.

warmest regards michael. an y feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday! You have been truly blessed
