Sunday 25 December 2022



Todays this blog entitled BLOG is about understanding the inner meaning and 

teachings of this message contained within the ESOTERIC hidden meaning of

the "LAMB of GOD" actually means . We first need to understand what LIFE

actually "IS" , LIFE is a "motional" expression  of PURE SPIRIT (GOD/BRAHMAN)

covered over to protect the spirit from becoming into cntact with gross matter.

"The Lamb of God" is that expression of LIFE which means Living-Intelligent-

Focused-Energy , this energy is Spirit becoming embodied within five Koshas and 

thereby being expressed within this relative universe.

Humanity is at the apex of evolution upon this planet. We all have the ability to look

within ourselves and ask the question of "WHO AM I "? No other life on this planet 

can do that only mankind. We all have the ability to look within  ourselves and discover

the SPIRIT within us all. "WE" all are the "LAMB OF GOD" dressed up and covered

over by five layers of "clothing" that hide the DIVINE SPIRIT GOD from our limited

viewpoint. All life is SPIRIT being presented within a relative backdrop, But only

mankind can look within  and REALIZE this basic and fundamental truth,

BEHOLD the lamb  of GOD dwells within YOU DEAR READER of this blog TODAY

All life is SPIRIT which equals to that of GOD/BRAHMAN/ALLAH/Great white spirit

JEHOVAH. When the LAMB (YOU) awaken  it becomes known as that of SPIRIT 

within a physical body, an eternal UNBORN SPIRIT undergoing a relative experience 

on Earth gathering tangible experiences of being an emotional embodied soul.

Warmest regards michael any  feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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