This blog today entitled LIMITED is about how life which stands for Living-
Intelligent-Focused-Energy is motioned (moved) into time within this relative
universe and expressed as in our case as a human being vehicle.
What exactly is life expressing? We call life, what is its inner nature, when not
being expressed? (in motion) what is life called then? To answer these questions
we need to look deeply into the nature of what we all call life, living- intelligent
focused- energy. That is what the word life spells out .What lies behind the intelligence
of the presenting energy?
For me the answer is that of Pure Spirit or that of Divinity. Life is therefore expressing
that of Divinity in motion within the relative space time continuum.
Humanity sees itself as that of souls who inhabit the physical vehicle, some others think
that the physical body is truly who they are,
LIMITED is about our understanding the nature of what is life and the inner nature of
its presentation here upon this Earth..
We are all the phenomenon the physical presentation of life , but there is the invisible
NOUMENON which is the essence of the presented phenomenon which lies at the back
of all expressions its silent presence is never noticed by us.
That invisible NOUMENON is who we really all OUR.LIMITED is our expression into
form, but UNLIMITED is our inner nature which is that of Divine Spirit Intelligence which
is who and what "WE" all OUR unlimited UNBORN PURE SPIRIT, undergoing a collective
experience here on Earth to experience tangibility.
warmest regards michael/ any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
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