Wednesday 23 June 2021


 When you look deeply within the FACADE of form, what do you actually see? The simple

answer is NOTHING at all, because pure energy is invisible to human vision. When you leave

aside your name, rank and serial number what is left? When we remove your name, place of

birth, your education, where you are employed, whether you are married or not, what is left?

So what then are you when all your labels have been removed, your personality, your idea of

individuality, your ego, when all this is removed what is left? What EXACTLY is an 

INFORMED  FRACTAL? The simple answer is that YOU now reading THIS!  ARE the

informed Fractal. INFORMED here means being informed from within IN-FORMED. 

The bottom line that holds us all here in perfect cohesion upon the Earth is the focused 

intension of the indwelling Divine Host, which is your immortal divine Soul.

What are we fractal images of? The answer to that question lies within the understanding

of what exactly expressed life actually is. And further more where is it being expressed from?

The main difference lies within the word 'expressed' expression means MOTION-vibration

and that all life being motioned is RELATIVE. Before being expressed LIFE-potentiality

is ABSOLUTE and motionlessness, with ZERO VIBRATION.

"WE" are all informed (formed from within) fractals, fractal images of the ONE SOURCE

The infinite absolute OCEAN of the SOURCE or SELF has manifested motion from INTENT

flowing into THOUGHT -then DEED the DEED is the relative thought into motion 

Universe in which we all live and move and have our being within this MIGHTY THOUGHT!

Our fractal images are like individual drops from the infinite ocean of SELF.

Another way of looking at this is to liken us all to FACETS of one ABSOLUTE JEWEL!

We  are here as gatherers of experiences, the SOURCE has become tangible through us in

order to experience TANGIBILITY, things like touch, taste, feel, smell, hear. to experience

the illusion of separated from the whole, the ups and downs of emotional life. An 

ABSOLUTE BEING like the SOURCE or SELF cannot experience anything in that

state, a PERFECT ABSOLUTE GOD cannot KNOW what TASTE or TOUCH feels like

unless it becomes tangible and incarnates here on Earth, this is WHERE we FRACTALS

come into PLAY!!!!!

Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within yo then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Fractal images (US) come out to play as human vehicles gathering experiences for the WHOLE-BEING.
